Oooooooh, even using tractors could be considered non-vegan, if they’re powered by fossil fuels, then they’re powered from the remains of dinosaurs, which were very much animals
Oooooooh, even using tractors could be considered non-vegan, if they’re powered by fossil fuels, then they’re powered from the remains of dinosaurs, which were very much animals
Fuck, that looks like such a good fidget toy, I want it!
mi lukin e ilo Toki la, mi sona e toki pona! nimi pi ilo Toki li pona tawa mi!
On my break at work. Luckily only have an hour till I can go home tho, so that’s nice
East and west work fine if you use either the international date line or 180 degrees as the “edge.” Tbh tho, east probs wouldn’t be too interesting, it would just be Tokyo, maybe another coastal asian city, and some islands
Oooh, fun. I’d love to see this for south as well, maybe even east and west, ooh and altitude might be interesting too
I’ll happily break my machine to try to get cava on my bar working eventually
Skimming thru, doesn’t look too bad, but I’m sure I’ll find the horrors soon enough
Looks dope, can I see the source code? I had cava in my polybar back when I used i3, would love it on sway
My best guess is that it originally was “fucking,” someone censored it to something like “hecking,” then someone else censored the censor back to “fucking”
I’m finally home. Already got ad-free
Let’s fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Omg, love the trans shaaaaaark!!!
Gamers truly are the most oppressed class in society 😔