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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • i don’t think we should act like journalism was in a great place before.

    FB capitalized on a weakened industry, but it was the industry itself that was responsible for that state.

    they really fucked themselves by not transitioning to the new market, instead insisting that it was the customers that were wrong. all these years later, i’ve yet to see a news outlet that would be worth the subscription fee. they’re mostly recycling content from other, free sites anyway.

    once the older crowd passes, traditional news outlets are done for. the ones that remain will be the ones that were providing the content all along.

  • wrath_of_grunge@kbin.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzme_irl
    4 months ago

    as much as i disagree with him on certain things, Mike Rowe had a good point with a vid he did a long time ago. sometimes your passion isn’t what will pay what you need. it can still be your passion, but you might need to look elsewhere for what you want to do for a living. what he was getting at was to not overlook new things, that you might actually like as a job, even if it wasn’t your passion.

    for example, few people choose HVAC repair as a passion, but it pays well, and might be stimulating for someone looking for a technical type job.

    personally my passion is working with computers, but it can be hard to make a living at it, at least at a consumer level. but the thing is i really like helping the average joe find GOOD ways to spend their money. i’d have loved to have graduated college and worked on enterprise grade stuff, but i have a learning disability and can’t pass Algebra. this means i can’t get my degree.

  • simple misunderstanding. you see in the eyes of the court, he’s innocent until proven guilty. in the eyes of the police officer, there are no innocents, only suspects.

    my fave is when they hassle some normal person, and even after finding they did nothing wrong, or were guilty of no crimes, the police will refer to them as a suspect, like you see here.

    like they’ll run a search warrant or something and then say, well the person was suspected of having marijuana. did the person actually have anything? no. but he was suspected of it.

    pigs eat shit, and i can probably count on one hand the number of them i know that i would be sad if something happened to them. the overwhelming majority of them could suddenly cease to exist and the country would be a MUCH better place for it.

  • they’re just insufferable. the problem isn’t the situation. it’s the mindset they develop.

    it basically becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for them. they can’t get a woman, they develop unhealthy views, related to self-entitlement, and they become walking red flags to normal, adjusted individuals, which drives their isolation, and then feeds into what they think always happens.

    a defeatist attitude never gets anything done. being a person is, in part, about self improvement.

    if your skills won’t get you hired for a job, you need to improve your skills. dating and having successful relationships is not much different. the problem with many incels is that they improve all these other aspects of their life (job, property, car), and then can’t understand why the other sex doesn’t flock to them. they fail to realize that hitting all these various metrics is just a part of the equation, but not the whole she-bang.

    if you haven’t had a relationship, maybe you haven’t had the right circumstances, or met the right person. the trick is to understand not to necessarily take that personally, as recursive as that sounds.

  • it is true that the founding fathers could not have foreseen the invention of more modern firearms, let alone the idea of semi and fully automatic firearms. but they did clearly envision that a armed populace was a good thing. they also fairly clearly envisioned it as a equally armed type of thing. what was modern then would be considered antique and primitive just a short century later. but the spirit of the amendment still comes through fairly clearly.

    in the case of modern society, fully automatic weapons are heavily regulated and are not, in general, in the hands of the populace. true some can be modified, but to be caught with such a weapon, is going to bar you from legally having any sort of firearm, as it’s a felony.