Hey folks.
I’ve tried to get a filter working for all of the “this is an automated archive” posts from reddit. They’re pretty useless to me, as there’s very rarely any engagement, and they tend to show up en masse when a community decides to just mass archive from reddit.
I’ve attempted to set up a keyword filter with “automated” “automated archive” and “this is an automated archive” but with no success. I assume the keyword filters are only looking at the title text, not the description. Is setting a filter like this possible at present time?
Try filtering the instance they’re on.
- That’s a lot of instances
- I’d really like to not filter complete instances/communities that I might otherwise enjoy and interact with just because they have a bot scraping a subreddit.
I didn’t realize there were that many that were a mix of both. Are there any bots you do like? If not maybe disabling them all is the solution.
I don’t know of any I truly use. Some I appreciate on principle. I’ve turned off bot posts for now, we’ll see if it hurts me.
idk, but maybe it helps blockin all bot posts. I have never seen what you desribe so if they are made by bots maybe thats why.
Huh neat. Didn’t know that feature existed. I’m sure it’ll end up filtering out some otherwise useful stuff, but in lieu of being a le to just block based on a string in the description, it seems like that’ll be the easiest way.