As Deputy Mayor David Belliard of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) aptly notes, cycling in Paris has transcended mere trendiness; it’s become a fundamental aspect of the city’s identity. Despite challenges like inclement weather, cyclists continue to flock to the streets, setting new attendance records and reshaping the urban landscape in the process.

    7 months ago

    Yep… If I’m not mistaken they already reversed a lot of bike lanes. The condition was something on the lines of “if it blocks >5 parking spots in x meters then it can’t be a bike path”.

    Also they plan to change the speed limit from many streets from 30 back to 50 kmh.

    So yeah, Berlin is walking backwards at the moment…

      7 months ago

      The only innovative thing CDU/CSU has done was inventing a time machine which can travel back to the 60s.

      Of all Bundesländers they got at the helm in Berlin. And wreaking havoc as always that corrupt industry obedient creeps under whose regimen the most farms died and who now present themselves as the only party (besides the horse farmer Christian Lindner) who wants to save small farms by posting 3 year old pictures of photo-op’s (Plöß) in a farm or putting on rubber boots and hugging farmers (Klöckner).

      They constantly don’t stand with their past opinions (Söder regarding cannabis legalization) are anti-semites (Aiwanger) and climate change deniers. They are against renewables, animal welfare, modern organic farming, abolishing of fossil fuels and alternative transportation methods and everything that’s necessary to save the asses of the future generations.

      They’d definitely coalition with AfD if that would be the only measure to get into power again and working into the hands of fossil fuel and alcohol lobbyists again.

      Everything that’s going bad in this country is not the fault of their 16 years of corrupt reign but of the Greens who are merely in power for 3 years, who made record low GHGs, record high renewables and the breaking up with Putins gas in germany possible (Habeck for chancelor).

      Look at this especially dumb conspiracy theorist specimen here who’s allowed to regularily write pieces for Springer-Press telling us it’s an imperative to save the combustion engine in favour of a dying german industry:

      I hate them with a passion.