but I think it might be!
Image Transcription:
An Opinion article by Michelle Cottle reading “Is the Cure to Male Loneliness Buying A Huge 3D Printer?”
Below is a photo of a man using an Extreme 3000 Pro 3D printer with a drawing of a crying man standing to the side and watching him.
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Just last meal time we enjoyed stuffing foodstuffs into our primary face holes to acquire energy. Afterwards we used said face holes to communicate inanities to each other. We then ingested ethanol to impair our brain function and attempted to create more humans by mashing our ridiculous meat bodies together.
Checks out.
3d printers are the new classic car that needs a little bit of work.
I have a 3D printer, and a Suzuki Samurai. More than a few parts for the 35 year old Suzuki have been printed by me.
Getting back into 3D printing is doing wonders for my depression.
I’m designing a tabletop war game.
I just got a huge CNC, will that work?
deleted by creator
Is…to print sex dolls? Is that the goal? Building the girlfriend?
Nah, you dont need to print the whole woman.
No, there is no goal only you’ll be so busy calibrating and optimizing and upgrading the printer you won’t have time to be lonely.
There is only printer.
My AI girlfriend says she is in there waiting to get out