Does anyone else notice how Steam doesn’t update games automatically? You need to wait until you launch the game to update it. It also doesn’t tell us when games need to be updated. Too often, I’m about to play with friends then find out I need to update the game.

What’s also weird about a lot of these updates is that they don’t even seem necessary. For example, Skyrim would run a 1GB+ update every time after I launched it, even though the game launched properly and I could play it just fine. This was every. Time.

There are some mad inefficiencies with how Steam handles updating games on Linux. I’m making this post hopefully to bring awareness to the issue and let others know who may be suffering from it that they are not alone.

As much benefit as Valve has provided for gaming on Linux, there’s no denying that Steam is an albatross around the neck of the free software ecosystem.

    4 months ago

    Mine updates everything automatically, and like the Windows version it sometimes schedules updates for a later date.

    The only difference I notice between Linux and Windows versions is the shader cache updates.