• Grimy@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    1.1. Saturnian clinical case 1

    1.1.1. First part

    Doctor D.P. 52 terrestrial-year-old male (Saturnian 1 year 10 months old), obtained his doctoral degree of specialization at the age of 29 and was recognized as the second for its promotion in Medical School. As a young neurosurgeon, he is as active as when he was a resident and passed his fellowship.

    [Paragraph of description about Doctor D.P.]

    As an example, he takes the Saturnian rocket to participate in the annual conference of the world Saturnian Federation of Neurosurgeons which takes place in “Utopia” the country located 200,000 km from his workplace.

    [Another paragraph of description]

    His colleagues know that they can count on him to take a night’s call or take care of an additional patient because he does this with joy.

    Today, 23 years after (10 Saturnian months) Professor D.P. realizes that he is married and has two children, but he knows nothing about them. He does not even remember any details of his marriage. He just remembers that reading medical papers on his own was the best moment of his rare holidays with his wife.

    There’s a plot! This paper is wild, avant-garde, a breath of fresh air.