Are you aware that that is considered the bare minimum in a lot of law and finance related fields? And it’s not even a secret. So it doesn’t suprise me at all that a lot of lower income jobs are regularly sporting those numbers. And besides that, there are many people working 2 or more jobs.
So if you are blind to that, well that is on you
Based on this meme and your interactions in it, you are unfortunately one of the most ignorant people Ive come across here.
Grow up.
No I just don’t believe those lies.
What lies, exactly?
Everything everyone in this comment section has said?
Working 80 hours a week every week. Nope don’t believe it
Are you aware that that is considered the bare minimum in a lot of law and finance related fields? And it’s not even a secret. So it doesn’t suprise me at all that a lot of lower income jobs are regularly sporting those numbers. And besides that, there are many people working 2 or more jobs. So if you are blind to that, well that is on you
Why don’t you?