Just wondering since I know a lot of people quietly use a screen-area-select -> tesseract OCR -> clipboard shortcut.

  • I separate subjects of interest into different Firefox windows, in different workspaces – so I have an extension title them and a startup script parse text to ask the compositor to put them in the correct workspace (lets me restart more conveniently).
  • I have automatically-set different-orientation wallpapers for using my 2-in-1 depending on whether I use it in portrait or landscape (kind of just for looks, but I don’t think if anyone else adds a wallpaper change to their screen rotation keybind).
  • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    In all my servers I still have a cron->make routine running. It’s a hold-over from 20 years ago and the state of IaC back then, and it’s made its way onto every server I manage because it is simple and effective.

    And it still does its job. 8 major RHEL releases later, and the thing it needs to do, it does.

    Lennart would build 3 new daemons and link them all into dbus, I’m sure.