The Dinks Heck Toot Red Hot Chili Peepers Green Dad Scone Temple Pilots Queefs of the Stone Age Miner Threat ⛏️ Charles Dingus Lady Maga Foul Men at Dork The Beach Bols Black Flag Audioshave Dropdick Murphy’s Stevie Winder Steely Pan Billy Squeer Supertrump Feces The Boobie Brothers Styf Feart Yep The Why Alice Pooper Thin Jizzy Harvey Wanger Blind Felon Bagles The Polite Parole King Ten Folds
The Stooles The Rolling Scones The Lure
Ice Lube
Bestie Boys
Idk still a pretty good band name lol
I started this game with our DnD group wfter finding this thread. We added a rule: you also have to name or invent the genre they play in.
Bestie Boys are the boy band spokespeople for Melania’s Be Best campaign.
Black Shabbat
Linkin Pork
Linkin Pack
Bland Guardian
Beach Goys
Electric Gizard
Does 911count?
The Cult (or, if you want to be wordy, Blue Oyster Cult) should be high on this list
Demon Demon
Bush is actually a band.
Oh, then RUSH