I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
It’s my name lol
Is there a male equivalant for this? I wanna be that.
It’s just a very accurate description of me.
I like the colour purple, and I want to live in the woods and be a heathen.
I am a trans catgirl :3
Probably that I’m pedantic, periodically.
(The irony being that it’s using the loose definition rather than the literal definition of “periodically”, although it’s still in the dictionary)
Took an older username i had, translated it, then romanized the characters.
It’s similar to my surname with some letters changed. I’m also reliably informed from rap music that steez = style with ease.
I used bitwarden’s username generator hahaha
Randomly generated by Bitwarden lol
There was a Diablo II player in 2002 called “scrotore”.
I didn’t think this one would stick. Now I’m in too deep to switch.
Couldn’t think of an actual witty name
Grew to adulthood in the mist of having my promised future stolen by a D list actor and a oil baron. Only have to them replaced by a guy who signed a treaty that allowed all manufacturing leave for the countries north and south of me. By the time we arrived at oil baron jr being in charge the future was certain and the name expresses the truth of that certainty.