When you get to the end of your life, old and tired, and you look back on all the things you did and time you spent, what will make you say: yes, I did well and it was all worth it?

Put another way, if you have an extra hour tomorrow with nothing planned, what could you do with yourself to later say: I’m glad I did that? What if you have an unplanned day? Or a week? Does how you use that time change? Would the choice of how to use that time be more or less deliberate, depending on how long you have? Does that choice define you as a person?

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    1 年前

    If you drop by my instance (vintech@voltage.vn) I do some long form posts on some of the stuff I make, with photos. Lemmy is a weird thing to use as a blog, but I’m chronically short on time so whatever :D

    …not everything is there though. I have this weird habit sometimes of publishing things under different names, then throwing away the accounts. Truth be told, even I’m not entirely sure what I’ve done over the years. Some ideas belong only to themselves, I guess.

    Right now (professionally) I’m trying to pull together some kits for a STEM program – STEM programs are generally worthless marketing fluff here designed to help rich parents show off on Facebook while teaching kids exactly nothing. Also it’s like the cheapest kit from USA or China depending on the affluence of their target audience. A client mentioned that they want to set up a STEM school, so I’m going to pitch them a vertically integrated business so I can optimize for quality at all levels (kit engineering - curricula - marketing). It’s also way cheaper to manufacture good robots locally off my own IP than to buy them across the world :D

    Besides that, I’m working on doing audio analysis on the Attiny10. It’s got 32 bytes of RAM, 1k words of program space, and 4 I/O. So that’s being challenging. The screen with graphics works right now, but I wrecked the last chip when I overclocked the ADC that does the audio sampling by too much. Luckily they are like 30 cents each. The final goal is being able to do beat detection so I can make little animated companions with face graphics that sing along with you e.g. at karaoke. I actually hate karaoke, but the idea demands to be born, so I have little choice in the matter. I can always choose not to sell it, I guess :P