The UK has led the way in the crackdown, experts say, with judges recently refusing an appeal against multi-year sentences for climate activists who blocked a motorway bridge in east London. The three-year jail terms for Marcus Decker and Morgan Trowland earlier this year are thought to be the longest handed out by a British judge for non-violent protest.

Michel Forst, the UN rapporteur on environmental defenders since June last year, described the situation in the UK as “terrifying”. He added that other countries were “looking at the UK examples with a view to passing similar laws in their own countries, which will have a devastating effect for Europe”.

He added: “I’m sure that there is European cooperation among the police forces against these kinds of activities. My concern is that when [governments] are calling these people eco-terrorists, or are using new forms of vilifications and defamation … it has a huge impact on how the population may perceive them and the cause for which these people are fighting. It is a huge concern for me.”

    1 year ago

    in the UK I cannot wait until we’re able to vote out the Tories and especially rishi sunak who we never voted in the first place. Any party would be better than them at this point.

      1 year ago

      Reminder for the UK people we are not America you don’t vote for a PM you vote for a local MP so remember kids don’t vote Tory even if you like the one who knocked on your door that time :D

        1 year ago

        “I can’t wait to vote for a local labour MP who will represent my interests because I like and trust them as a person, I like the pledges they are making and their intentions of they are pretty of a government, and I would like them to help get enough MPs for Kier Starmer to form a government.” is what the poster should have said.

        The Tories capturing the red wall was because of people voting for Boris / against Corbyn (which Boris claims was solely a vote for Brexit). Because of that a ridiculous number of incredibly low quality candidates got into Parliament. Our representatives need to represent us, not just be a colored dot on a map showing a majority for one party or the other.