Half the podcasts in my queue have suddenly become paid subscriptions. Meanwhile the overall industry is losing listeners. Seems like a lousy business model to not offer a free with ads feed. What a bizarre trend.

https://www.deseret.com/entertainment/2023/2/9/23592684/decline-of-podcasts#:~:text=Monthly listenership to podcasts seems,podcasts has fallen as well.


  • adam_y@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m a little agnostic on piracy. I don’t mind if others are into it, but I use my local library. I watch older films that can be found cheaply. Sometimes I just choose to do something else.

    They keep you on this hook, this notion of current culture. The excitement of the new big thing that everyone’s watching, but really your fomo is being exploited, and often that’s also true of people pirating the material. They are still contributing to this very social form of advertising display.

    However, I’d stand by pirates who are looking to find films that have been made, deliberately, unavailable in the public space because corporations can see profit in their absence.