Oxygen was dating potassium and they were OK, but then oxygen hooked up with magnesium and it was like OMg
Oxygen was dating potassium and they were OK, but then oxygen hooked up with magnesium and it was like OMg
Now your thoughts on the capitalization of I in iPhone at the beginning of the sentence
Do you only think of one thing? I can think of this thing and other stuff, too.
Annual bidding by major corporations for the opportunity to rename the country each year, stadium style.
Let’s go United States of Waste Management
Too much debauchery and gay dinosaurs
Side note: everyone called it Denali before Obama renamed it anyway, and everyone is doing to continue to call it Denali
Is retard a bait/dog whistle word?
I think they’ve taken into the category of fascist loving snakes now the way I understand it
Any tips or suggestions?
They also changed gulf of Mexico officially to gulf of America in Maps
Laryngeal nerve / Vagus nerve!
The event was hosted by Richard Dawkins and hadn’t been done before (on record anyway)
The video is very short and everyone should watch (graphic giraffe dissection warning)
Wait, I grabbed the wrong one. I didn’t know why he sent one that was cropped
Neil Shubin, the OP, authored a book titled Your Inner Fish that includes original art by Kalliopi Monoyios. The image is from his book. His X post, which I will not link, is the original source of the image. At the height of it’s popularity, there was a website yourinnerfish.com that featured the image as well, but it is no more.
Do they run in and take over the space when they see you going in, or did you peek in to see what shenanigans they were up to in the bathroom?
Great news for Elon
Marvel Rivals players triggered
The animal crossing thumbnail alone gave me a little boost. But I’m sure I’ll just scroll on to yet another article about *****
“I’ll allow it”