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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Because we’re taught to in school and everything we’re meant to learn about enlightenment ideals and free, critical thinking is contradicted by our nonstop exposure to ‘patriotic identity as a brand’. Our football games, our truck commercials, our news stations, everything is stamped with an American flag in the way a church might use iconography of crosses and saints. And since our education system is actually pretty bad at teaching nuance and critical thought, we latch onto it like “yeah, I like America, and I will glorify it because I’m being told to.” And then you get into this really lazy binary of ideology as a commodity where people crave the dopamine hit of feeling like they’re associated with a ‘side’, and a side which has all the most DeVaStAtInG hot takes to pwn the other side’s strawmen. And then you’re in “my country, do or die” territory because some wealthy person in the media is able to “rah rah” you into being a class traitor because of the trivial fandom associations they’ve taught you to make about culture war issues that actually have nothing to do with you or your day to day life.

  • lol that’s fair. But also, the there’s a cyclical relationship between suburbs and grocers. If you build suburbs, the grocers arrive. Where there are grocers, people might live and form suburbs. You really only have to “drive 40 minutes to get groceries” if you’re waaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the sticks. Or, and I’m sorry to say it, what’s more likely, is you live in a dense, urban area and are very near groceries, but can’t afford a vehicle to get there directly, and so you’ve got to walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus to come around. This could definitely total 40 minutes to go get some eggs and milk. It’s a fucking tragedy.

  • ‘Female’, when it’s used in a non-clinical or technical context to describe a human woman. Everyone has a slip here or there, right, so, broad stroke take incoming, but, generally speaking, I’ve never met or talked with anyone who reliably refers to women as ‘females’ who actually respects them. It’s a word you’d use to refer to a complete person only if you see them first and foremost as some kind of specimen, and it reaks to me of poor socialization, unhealthy relationship with that sex, or simply low class.

  • Objectivity in reporting is a nice goal when you’re trying to write objective journalism. But this dude clearly wrote an opinion piece. It literally says “you shouldn’t” in the headline. That sort of thing can’t be objective, and it would look embarrassing if it tried. Objectivity for objectivity’s sake regardless of context is not really sensible. What you’re asking for is a fact sheet, not something written by a person because that person believes a thing.

    That being said, I’ll give it to you: it wasn’t an especially good op-ed piece. It would’ve been better if he elaborated some of the stuff he said. But that just means he’s got some work to do as a writer, not that his crime was ‘not being objective enough’.