Explain in one sentence what cloud saves are and how they conflict with it being a singleplayer offline game.
Explain in one sentence what cloud saves are and how they conflict with it being a singleplayer offline game.
You don’t expect this law to count for the people at the top, do you?
In an actual court? In Trumps america?
This is the way. Have a 3090, 980ti before that. Really no need to get anything new yet.
Gamer moment
If they are so similiar, why is it ok to treat them so much worse?
Removed by mod
I have had the same Tolino Shine for… 10 years now? It recently broke down and I will definitely get the new Shine at some point. You can put books on it yourself via usb and basically never need to connect to the internet if you don’t want to. Unsure tho if it is available outside of Germany/EU.
Though argument you got there lmao
Oof why did that trigger you so much? Don’t like being proven wrong huh? Come on, learning is fun!
The CCP engages in currency manipulation amongst other nefarious actions to prop up its interests.
Yeah? So does the US. Didn’t make OpenAI cheaper, did it?
It was likely created from stolen data
Just like ChatGPT was created with stolen content.
heavily propped up by the government
Still only 6 million. Keep coping tho lol
So now you are moving the goalpost. Instead of “being able to” like in your original comment it is now “being able to learn to”. Which I also don’t believe you for the same reason.
Because you haven’t demonstrated any of it.
I don’t believe you are capable of any of the examples you mentioned.
So no, you can’t. Guess you aren’t human, just an animal huh?
If censorship would make it cheaper then surely it wouldn’t be that much cheaper than OpenAI. Different things are being censored and blocked but surely, your suggestion is a bit silly.
This is called speciesism, the believe that your live is worth more/you are better simply because of your species.
Nah, making fun of germans is always ok, especially now that at least 1 in 5 voters are voting for literal Nazis again in Germany.