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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2023


  • Oh man Astroneer is so good — but I don’t think it’s up OP’s alley. There’s no quests to speak of, or even goals really, besides the 1. tutorial stuff, and 2. overall “reach the end” — besides that, it’s up to you to be self-directed.

    Context: my breath-of-the-wild loving partners didn’t much get into Astroneer, unless I specifically set them goals and they didn’t have to figure anything out for themselves. :P (Well, one of them, at least …)

    I think the “map marker check mark” dopamine game is a whole different thing from ‘true’ open-world … well, that’d unnecessarily exclusionary. Neither one is truer than the other. But they’re definitely extremely different.

    Anyway, OP, my suggestion in that vibe would definitely be the Fallout or Assassin’s Creed serieses. Or Horizon: Zero Dawn! Great sidequest-driven, exploration-heavy, gigaaaaaantic games, all of them!

  • Try getting older!

    A decade ago, I was extremely into hi-fi — most of my disposable income went to it. (Martin Logan electrostatic speakers and McIntosh amps, stereo JL Fathom 13.5” subs, sound treatment and reference mic for balancing and analysis …)

    Now? I’m perfectly and completely pleased with my AirPods Max. My hearing just ain’t what it used to be, and I genuinely don’t hear the slightest difference. (… obviously modulo feeling the bass, hah.)

    (Yes. I listen to music over Bluetooth. Not even APT-X. WHO HAVE I BECOME? 😭)

  • Yeah; it feels a little naive to think “bad associations with the word” come from past-tense propaganda instead of current-tense propaganda.

    Like, nobody cares if you say “mother-fucker” anymore; and that was unthinkable, what, two decades ago? Less?

    Without active, current, pervasive propaganda about the ‘bad intentions’ of the left, the word ‘communist’ would also lose stigma in the U.S. within a similar timeframe.

    (I’m open to being told I’m wrong about this …)

  • I’ve been turned on to Notion by work, and now use it for my lil’ polycule as well — but I do want something … better.

    Unfortunately both logseq and Obsidian have way, way too much of a “text” focus for me, even with plugins; and way too little of a “data” focus — the real potential strength of Notionalikes is definitely in deep database features and integration; not ‘this is only useful if you type at a full keyboard for hours.’ At least to me. 🤣

    I’m pretty excited about http://anytype.io; but it’s in perpetual development/beta — still kinda barebones. It’s definitely got the correct focus, though? Chunks of data, not “articles” or “pages!”