I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for the last few weeks and somewhere Warframe here and there when I don’t have enough time to get list with BG3.
I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for the last few weeks and somewhere Warframe here and there when I don’t have enough time to get list with BG3.
With PoE I sometimes just get bored of facerolling maps and stop playing early, but I think a big part of it for me is that I have no feasible way to farm a particular item I need (playing almost always on SSF). Being able to target farm things sounds good and what I’ve seen about the crafting also looks promising. I’ve been thinking of giving Last Epoch a go.
I get what you mean, though PoE is a lot about what build you pick. I’ve been able to clear everything on a couple of leagues on SSF and not playing that much (10 to 20 hours per week). I’ve been playing for a long ass time though and there’s definitely a bunch of leagues I haven’t got that for reason or other.
Do you think you’ve posted anything that would be worth removing in the first place? Seems pretty unlikely, so could be just a case of deleting your account and moving on. Unless you went around posting stuff that could get you in trouble and left in easy way to connect that to you in other ways, I don’t see why it matters.
Why does it need to be rebellious? Sounds a little childish. Just roll with “happy holidays” or whatever and celebrate and let others celebrate whatever they want. Celebrating at this time of year has nothing to do with Christianity really, it’s much older tradition.
Yeah this. Most Nordic countries at least call it some variation of Yule still, Joulu in Finnish for example
Swedish isn’t technically foreign language in Finland
Yes I fire extinquisher in my home all the time
It sounds similar, but karva is hair. Finnish and Polish are pretty far apart as far as European languages go. Merry Christmas!
Ah, Finnish army also has (or at least had) that unit of measurement, “pillukarva”, literally pussy hair.
Looks delicious. Is thst Aura or some other brand of blue cheese?
“£36.85m ($46.75m) will be shared between claimants who claim that they were unfairly paid, and £7.1m ($9.1m) will cover associated legal fees” That’s a pretty good chunk of discrimination there. Probably not a lot of money for the company, but probably a lot of claimants
Load of bs, cigarettes is only thing there that isn’t actually at least potentially good if consumed in moderation.
Especially some of those Scottish alcohols, campfire, burning rubber, band aids and salt! Yum! (Actually a big fan fan of peaty Scotch here)
I guess that getting bought out by Sega thing is going well
Milk and fat of any kind isn’t usually the best if you have trouble eating in general. Lots of apple sauce, chicken soup and crackers mentioned already, so I’ll just add the basic ass tostidos round nacho chips. Those give the salt you need, but don’t have much else, so they’re easy to digest. Anyway, whatever is fine, as long as you can keep it down.
Yeah I don’t doubt at all that Google will try. I’m a bit more optimistic than you that we will continue to have ways to get around their bullshit though.
Doesn’t really matter at this point, I have already uninstalled chrome on all devices at home and work. I guess Google can still try to slow down other browsers on YouTube and other Google services though.
8GB is OK for browsing, zoom and such, but if there’s 16GB (or even 12GB) option that’s in the price range, I would personally go with that. Otherwise you would want it come with SSD, not HDD, rest of the specs shouldn’t really matter for your use case. Unlikely that there would be much if any HDD options anyway, but mentioning it just in case.
Canada Dry ginger ale I guess, good chaser for the rare whiskies I don’t like neat. Honorary mention for Pommac, but I have not had it probably 10+ years