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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Unless it’s the initial outreach team or on-premises staff, sales would be one of the few roles totally suited to remote working.

    Some of the more creative or collaborative roles I can see the argument for hybrid working - even if it’s just one day a week or month in the office - but sales, customer service, or first line support seems to be the last area you’d impose a return to work mandate on.

    That said, I haven’t got extortionate office rents to justify 😂

  • Tough one. As has already been mentioned, there has to be a clear line where the kids are involved - that is to say, are you going to be there for them or not?

    If it’s the latter, that’s not an issue. Declaring that from the outset isn’t a drama - single parents aren’t suddenly robots and enjoy the affection, sex, and friendship too. There’s no expectation beyond that and a few hot dates, and if it does start to cross red lines then there’s a clear reason to start nosediving it into the sea.

    I think leading a parent on though to the point where you’re introduced to the kids and become a part of their life, and then drop the bombshell that you’re after the casual or physical side of things means your actions have caught more than just the pair of you in the blast, and that just sucks.

    Honesty isn’t hard, and most of the time it’s pretty hot!

    e for context: I use “you” in the assumption that you’re looking to date a parent - reframe it to your own view :)

  • I mean, it’s not really a “in office” v “remote working” debate - people will slack off and make themselves look busy regardless of where they are. That’s caused by a case-specific mix of motivation, discipline, or other factors. That’s a line management issue rather than a work location issue - WfH just gets scapegoated for that.

    Ultimately it will be the money starting to talk - if the accountants start complaining about expensive office space not being used to its maximum, then they’ll start instructing folk back to the office. It’s a shit reason but unless your contract specifically says remote, it’ll be the balance sheet making the decision for you (edit: unless it really doesn’t work for you and you go nuclear with the “resign” button of course)

  • The kids are our deciding factor.

    If one of us going somewhere with the little 'uns, then the “family car” with the nicer booster seats gets taken by whoever it is that has them. Whoever is getting the peace and quiet, drives the little runabout.

    I usually take the little car, and it surprises me sometimes when I jump into the family car and I’ve got another 50bhp under my right foot.

  • Disclosure: I’m in the UK where the worker protections are half-decent.

    was it ever not OK?

    It was not OK to not take a jobby on work time when you had the opportunity!

    I’ve worked shifts where my relief staffer has been in twenty minutes early (long commute, unpredictable traffic) so I’ve handed the shift over, and ensured that the remainder of my time was spent losing half a kilo of weight in five minutes. Conversely, it feels far more productive to leave the house half-needing to give birth to a brown otter, and nip to the bog once your feet are clear of your workload that you’ve taken on from the previous shift to go and perform the bowel movement while being paid for it.

    Shitting in my own khazi on my days off feels like voluntary work now.

    Sensibly though, any manager who controls bog time is just a bit of a fanny. Unless someone is obviously taking the piss like spending four hours of a ten hour shift, then people will perform better once they’ve laid a cable whenever they’ve needed to.

  • The problem is a little more deeper than that - the very nature of mines is that they are indiscriminate. Whether you’re one force, another force, a civilian, or an animal - it does it’s job and goes boom without any further intervention by a human.

    The remainder of your point is absolutely valid, but mines are a shit idea from the outset. Area denial is indeed a tactic, but alliances and boundaries change, and what was once a defensive line may be a suburban district in a hundred years time, until a future innocent party detonates one underfoot and is killed or severely maimed.

    I thought mines were prohibited under the Geneva Suggestions, but perhaps there’s a loophole somewhere.

  • I can’t speak to her performance in FRECA, I’ve not watched it - but her recent races in the F1 Acad have been more than decent. She’s super consistent with whatever she’s given, even if it’s got a lot less power in the back than F1.

    F2 or F3 would do her a world of good in terms of being marketable to F1 teams though, I can’t argue with that - but I can’t see Antonelli’s oodles of experience either, like Bottas or others before him who have been thrown in at the deep end.

    I would absolutely love to see Pin or Abbi Pulling rag an F1 car about for a session and see what times they put in.