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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • If she’s not spayed, there is a very high chance that she will find a way outdoors, and pregnancy is very draining on their bodies. They generally have quite a few kittens because so many of them don’t survive. My most recent foster momma came to me practically skin & bones, and we lost 2 out of 5 kittens. Kittens are super fragile, and you can do everything right, but still lose them. And if they do survive, the shelters are already overflowing with homeless cats, so many get euthanized purely due to lack of space.

  • Have you talked to a doctor about it? Would you be able to get up and just go sit on your couch?

    One of the things that has really helped me get (back) into habits is to break it into tiny, achievable steps, and once I master the first step, I build on it. For example, I was trying to rebuild my early morning gym routine, so my first step was just walking to the gym everyday, but not actually going inside. Once waking up with enough time to walk there and back was easy, I started getting up a little earlier so that I’d have time to go inside for a bit.

    On a slightly separate note, I dug into a bunch of “sleep hacking” stuff a long time ago. A lot of it isn’t really useful to someone trying to live a relatively typical 9-5 type life, but one thing that I did find useful was understanding the basic sleep phases/cycle. One full sleep cycle typically lasts about 90 minutes, although this can vary from person to person, and also from day to day. If your alarm is going off in the middle of a sleep cycle, you’re probably going to feel like crap, but if your alarm is waking you up at the end of a cycle, you’ll probably feel more refreshed.

    There’s apps for your phone (and probably for wearables) that can utilize various sensors to help wake you at the ideal stage. The one I used to use was called “Sleep as Android”. I would tell it what time I needed to be awake, plus a buffer of how much earlier it was allowed to wake me up, then leave the phone on my mattress. It would detect my movements to determine my sleep phase so that it could try to wake me up while in the ideal phase. It also had a variety of options so that you couldn’t accidentally turn off the alarm. For example, it could ask you to solve some math questions, or to scan a particular bar/QR code that you’d set up in advance. At one point, I set it so I’d have to scan my shampoo bottle to turn off the alarm.

  • Sure, but in the context of the post where waking up early may have desirable benefits, there are ways to make it easier on yourself while still getting a good night’s rest.

    Honestly, I love that everyone else is still asleep when I get up. I enjoy the peaceful quiet of the early morning gym or an outdoor run at dawn, and if everyone actually took my advice, it would absolutely ruin it for me.

  • The trick is forcing yourself to get up early. It will be a rough couple of days, but pretty soon, you’ll be exhausted enough to go to sleep earlier. You can also try moving your alarm up in 15 minute increments to achieve the same idea in a slightly less painful way. But, you do have to actually get up when the alarm goes off for the plan to work.

    I also find that smart lights really help. Mine gradually dim off in the evenings, and gradually dim on in the mornings, and I usually don’t need a traditional alarm. The dimming should be slow enough that it feels like sunrise/sunset. I usually have mine start dimming on about 15 minutes before I want to get up, and they’re fully off 15 minutes before I’m supposed to be asleep.

  • This is more targeted to other people than you, but was the post right next to the couch? One of the smaller details that people often overlook is that scratching leaves their scent behind and says “I live here”, so they will often want to scratch in socially significant parts of the house. So, if the only acceptable scratching surfaces are hidden away from the rooms you actually hang out in, they’re probably going to find something else to scratch on.

    Unfortunately, the same logic is sometimes behind litter box issues too.

  • They’ve been my go to for headphones & speakers for a while, but my last few purchases of different models all ended up getting returned due to the same connectivity issues. Sitting at home, the headphones are fine, but when I’m out for a walk, they experience some sort of interference that causes the music to skip/stutter. I still have an old, long discontinued, pair of Anker earbuds, and when I go for the same walk with those, there’s zero connectivity issues.

  • I’ve gotten sick less often since masks & WFH, but when I do get sick now, it feels much, much worse. These days, if I think I might be sick, I stay home as much as possible, and wear a good mask when I do have to be near other people, but if I’m feeling well, haven’t knowingly been around anyone sick, and am going somewhere that masks aren’t expected, I just don’t want to wear a steam room on my face.

    Also, I live in an area where masking is still very acceptable. I know there’s many other areas where masking is either illegal or just very frowned upon, so I’d probably be pretty hesitant to mask up there, even if I was sick.

  • QualifiedKitten@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon tho
    2 months ago


    I went crabbing and the resources I found said that killing them before cooking them was likely more humane than boiling them alive, so that’s what I did.

    My old neighbor’s cat once left a paralyzed/twitching rat outside my door, which I found in the morning. I quickly realized that the rat was not going to recover (it had already been there for hours), so I had to figure out a way to quickly end its suffering. I did not eat the rat though.