Holy shit guys he almost gets it.
You’re right there dude. Micrometers from figuring it out.
Holy shit guys he almost gets it.
You’re right there dude. Micrometers from figuring it out.
Then decades of sinophobic propaganda melted. It was amazing to watch.
Love your avatar. I miss Netscape. Not that I remember it being awesome or anything. Just nostalgia.
I’m old. And I like physical media. Sue me.
I hope I live long enough to see the petrodollar die.
Do it. Isolate this evil shithole until it collapses. Please do it.
The US needs to be broken up the way the USSR was.
You should buy a copy of Mao’s little red book though.
Good move. Call GovCo’s bluff.
I’d rather it stay shut down than be sold to some GovCo approved billionaire oxygen thief who’s going to tear apart the algorithm and turn it into another tool to control thought and manufacture consent.
Leveling system is trash. Economy balance is dogshit.
Everyone assumed that they wouldn’t be so stupid as to ban an app used by 170,000,000 Americans.
Now they’ve proven that yes they are that stupid. That corrupt.
So nah. Not going back to any US based alternative. Ever. TT to Red Book. If they ban Red Book we’ll go to VK or Jaco or whatever Vietnam has going on.
Best part? It took all of about 2 hours to completely obliterate 60 years of CIA propaganda. We can see plain how much better they have it than we do. How much better life is there.
The more canceled live service games the better.
Make a real game or don’t bother.
GovCo stealing again. Big shock.
Israel will break it immediately.
They always have.
What is it with western countries thinking they can bureaucracy their way through any issue.
This won’t stop anything. Won’t even slow it down. Just teach people how to navigate the net better.
It’s really cool. The people are super nice and welcoming. The cities are incredible. Their cost of living is leaps and bounds better than ours. Life is affordable there.
They just got it better. The cold war propaganda we’ve been spoonfed from birth was all lies.
We are the bad place.
The internationally recognized measure of left-right. Not the uniquely American one that’s skewed all to fuck.
There is no left at all in American politics. The closest we’ve gotten is Bernie Sanders. He’s a moderate everywhere but here.