We should totally go back to “I’m in charge because my daddy built me a goon squad”.
We should totally go back to “I’m in charge because my daddy built me a goon squad”.
Or so when people ask you what it is for you can retell the story
You mean Sniffy McNosecandy didn’t win the hearts and minds of the local simpletons with their free healthcare and rule of law?
If you have MS Excel, that would be as full featured as you get short of hardware integrated software.
I always think of The Big Lebowski as a Fletch remake.
Exactly how we did it too. We created the editor/assembler that peeked to see what was there and display it in Assembly, Hexadecimal, and ASCII.
You could edit whichever version you wanted and it would Poke it into RAM.
You could also save swaths to a file.
Alright, where are the anti capitalist tankies defending this?
I was trying to use language that would give the average nontechnical person an idea of the important aspects.
If the average person had Alberta tar sand based “oil” on one hand and technically correct tar on the other, I bet they couldn’t give a shit which was which.
This is exactly right. Most Canadian crude is actually tar. They have to use lighter grades of oil to dilute it to even be able to pump it.
If they cut us off, we can get more from Venezuela or the price of asphalt goes up.
Our cars, planes, trains, chemical plants, and power stations continue just fine.
This is it exactly. Before magnetic tape, Comedians told the same jokes For generations.
Modern comedians act like they’re the first people to come up with jokes because of the first people to record them.
Many stories like this from fecal exchanges (trans-poo-sions)
Who do you think invents the drugs?
Every one of these that are cut increases the value of Starlink
Don’t forget us!
And my axe!
Not disagreeing with you. Just making clear that it is actually worse.
A Karen and a cop can’t put someone in jail. It takes a prosecutor, a judge and a jury of her peers.
Well, I’m convinced
Not a Musk fan. I haven’t been on shitter for over a year.
This is not necessarily a bad thing from a US perspective.
Starlink is a strategic asset for the United States.
It shouldn’t be in danger of being destroyed by an attack by China.
When asked how I would like it prepared, I like:
“still pissed off”
I have a friend that goes with:
“knock off the horns and wipe its butt”