This doesn’t have to do with the topic at hand, but it’s just so cool being able to directly reference sites and ways to download on Lemmy, rather than dancing around the topic on Reddit.
You know, in Jerboa, I can’t even access half the settings. Just doesn’t let me scroll. Don’t know if it’s just me. is useful, for sure. Another option that I have used for a long time is BypassPaywalls. It works on Firefox, as well as Chromium based browsers.
It’ll be funny watching Elon freak out over it, but no I don’t want to participate in Zucks data farm.
More people should try out Tubesync. It’s a tool you can host yourself that essentially uses yt-dl as a backend and lets you subscribe to channels, and it’ll download videos as they come out. Gets you away from the ads and you can archive content you like forever.