• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023

  • I was trying so hard to get GTP4ALL to work inside of obsidian because it has this localdocs feature, where you can feed it documents and it integrates them into itself. I want the model to be aware of the whole vault, and also generate notes based on the vault contents, constantly updating.

    It looks like podman desktop + chatGPG obsidian plugin is the way to go through, I’m playing around with it and it looks promising.

  • "In superconductors, the electrons act like two reticent people at a dance party. At first, neither person wants to dance with the other. But then the DJ plays a song that both people like, allowing them to relax. They notice one another enjoying the song and become attracted from afar – they have paired but have not yet become coherent.

    Then the DJ plays a new song, one that both people absolutely love. Suddenly, the two people pair and start to dance. Soon everyone at the dance party follows their lead: They all come together and start dancing to the same new tune. At this point, the party becomes coherent; it is in a superconducting state.

    In the new study, the researchers observed electrons in a middle stage, where the electrons had locked eyes, but were not getting up to dance."

    This is an awesome ELI5.

  • Absolutely a concern. But calls build rapport, which makes people more likely to help you.

    So that’s the question you always need to be asking: do I need this in writing? If not, then a call is enough. If you do, then even if you do call, insist on getting the info in writing. Sometimes this means writing the email yourself, and asking them to confirm.

  • I care about privacy for the same reason you do. Actually I don’t care about my personal privacy bacause I’ve always been careful to not share too much with big tech companies, but I refuse to use products from amazon, meta, alphabet, apple, or microsoft (outside of work hardware/software) because of how they abuse their position of power over the poor.

  • In addition to rhe other advice, I’d add what helped me the most: install arch from scratch.

    Use an older PC you have lying around, or just a VM. Use the installation guide on the arch wiki (or a video on feetube if you prefer to listen to a human explain stuff) and just learn as you go.