• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • So stoked to see this. A bit disheartening to read this kinda shit, though=

    “This victory against Google is an historic win for the American people,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland. “No company — no matter how large or influential — is above the law. The Justice Department will continue to vigorously enforce our antitrust laws.”

    Only to be followed a few paragraphs down by

    …a drawn-out appeals process will delay any immediate effects for both consumers and advertisers. The appeals process could take as long as five years…


  • Yeah I’ve started doing the same and its almost like they maintain a list of us time wasters 😅 I’ll typically play along as long as I can so they think I’m all game. After they rage quit I immediately call the number back from a second phone and attempt to play dumb like I got disconnected, typically with some other dumbass that just resets and starts the script over, so I get a free two-fer 😂

    It has become a fun little ride every once in a while!

  • 1000002335 actual pic of my bro n I. Not cool man 1- proof I have actual family not fake and 2- offensive description of my actual existence bro, not cool if I could change how I look I would’ve years ago but Verizon got me locked in with that killer speed proprietary to my sick hardware, nothing I cloud do. T9 will always be faster that touch keyboards you can’t convince me otherwise

    (Does bad grammer & missing punctuation add or subtract point from my internet argument skill-rank? Really shooting for that bronze, over here!)