Have you tried enacting change and getting third party elected? Are you seriously blaming the voters as if they ever had more than 2 choices?
Have you tried enacting change and getting third party elected? Are you seriously blaming the voters as if they ever had more than 2 choices?
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I’m going to go on a less extreme take. They’ve been told from childhood they live in the land of opportunity, yet they work in dead end jobs or working fields.
They see money flying away every paycheck they live week to week on while being pumped propaganda (that people in suburbs and urban areas don’t see) that shows people who look different from them getting gov’t housing and getting programs funded with their tax dollars.
The same party they now demonize supports ridiculous looking gay parades that show a mentality they don’t understand, so they begin to hate. They wake up morning after morning in the same place with no change, and they stew and stew and stew.
So now they basically give up and see a hyper-masculine wannabe saying all the things against those who are different, and the long encrusted anger starts spewing out.
Most of the comments here are ignorant and hate filled against the wrong people. It’s not the MAGA supporters that did this, it’s the system. We need to stop polarizing ourselves with hatred and point the finger at those truly responsible. Not the poor (literallly) voters who are so dejected and living in decay that they just don’t give a rats ass anymore.
The more you hate the other side, the less you see the truth. The goal is to make you hate them. The goal is to make them hate you. You can’t define an entire person in a paragraph.
To be fair, not all reasons are good.
Not here. Vinyl is an upsell.
I’m in the sector, and there are legitimate time and effort savings when used correctly. Code refactoring gets a little smarter than a dumb script, boilerplate code is instantly generated, and real educational topics can be delved into and analyzed.
I don’t want to see it closed off, and I want the data used to train made public. These LLMs have capabilities older scripted systems can never match.
Eventually they will replace workers. Our society is too self-centered to make that a good thing.
Hopefully the Egg is revealed.
Sometimes the regulators sit back and see how the market is pushing, then regulate it to reduce waste. EV chargers for example.
Do they use the replicator when they’re not moving? Maybe they’re just picking up some hydrogen along the way?
Seems like high energy particles are easier to convert into new elements than low energy ones. Perhaps they’re transcribing uranium with the ingredients. Who knows.
If two moving balls hit each other and bounce apart, it’s the exact same thing as if you held the frame steady on one ball and viewed the other ball as moving faster. Just seems like the stationary ball gets heavier…
Perspective is everything.
Yep, 3. I like to explain things to people, now I get to be the smartest person in the room for a while. It’s great.
Signing up to take care of and be at the whims others is less “individualist” than the alternative. News at 11.
A cup of tea is around 500megatons if you convert all the matter into energy. We’re talking a few thousand Hiroshimas.
On my old commute, there was this one really long red light with a u-turn and merging road to the right you could take. Since the merging road was there, a right turn was allowed.
On busy traffic days, you could take the u-turn if the light was turning red and just go and skip it with a right turn. Pretty sure it pissed people off, but it was legal as far as I could tell.
It’s real. I’ve seen it happen with the high concentration dabs. Ended with a hospital stay.
More money just makes it harder to leave. It’s like testing your pain tolerance.
If you told people tomorrow that they could live without worrying about losing their place to live with a reasonable amount of food. Assuming they could buy the necessities of life with a few niceties… most people would stop caring about money and worrying so much.
What society is doing to people, turning them into monthly bill calculators is ridiculous and stress/fear inducing. These are imaginary bullshit systems we’re forcing people to become experts on.
A big chunk of it is to ensure that the top of ladder stays the top, so they distract distract distract.
If I could survive comfortably and support my family while helping people fix and improve their living spaces at Lowe’s, that sounds like a wonderful way to live…
This is an evolved trait. Cute babies are less likely to be eaten. Over time, babies become more cute because they were selected for.
You sound like me. Shirts at the end of their life go for sleeping. Is went the athletic route, but have switched back after realizing the plastic materials start smelling and get discolored easily (deodorant culprit likely).
Unless you loop on the last day of the worst pain of cancer.
The key difference in planning would be lack of physical object storage. No notes would be retained.
Because we can’t agree on needs and trusted software due to liability reasons.
The brightest minds in the field can come together and give standard recommendation for use cases using free software, but they don’t. We have billionaires who could fix this problem with a snap of a finger, but they won’t.
Problems are profitable. You can’t sell a solution to a boring mature field.