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Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • The left: Man… I’m never gonna fully get over having gone through puberty for the gender that I feel doesn’t represent me. I wanted to take my own life at times and I had no support. I see that people who started transitioning younger have better results passing and are generally safer for it. I wish we could talk about this openly.

    The medical community: It should be alright to delay puberty for trans kids on the same ground we delay puberty for cis kids if there’s a developmental problem, I guess. I don’t think we’ll be providing any life altering surgeries until adulthood however except in maybe extreme circumstances. We’ll see if there’s a suicide risk maybe.


    The leadership: This is factually correct. Let us begin the Great Work. Alexa play Yhorm the Giant Dark Souls III OST by Yuka Kitamura.

    Centrists: I am just not sure where the line is, y’know?

  • Why on this overwhelmingly zealous communist site are people upvoting this bullheaded victim blaming free hand of the market put down of consumers?

    If you were paying attention you’d know the campaign is as interested in data preservation as it is the consumer-product experience. Troves of games and the art and effort behind them are being lost in a black hole because of these DRM problems. In a chicken and egg problem of this kind of abuse having always been the norm for customers because of our antiquated copyright systems you are mad at games preservationists for being hungry.

    Moreover how did Ubisoft and these other companies who abuse these practices get those reputations? Oh yeah that’s right, by butt fucking people dry in the first place. Everyone has to have their own bad experience or read about one in the first place before they make it an axe to grind. You’ve definitely been burnt by these practices at least once and learned better right? So why should we not lobby for change?

    Like who are you Ubisoft Man?

  • They are rocks my friend. Rocks. Birds shit on them daily and have for thoudands of years. But go ahead and be mad about the rocks getting cornflower on them. Very good little reactionary Brit.

    Ever play a Civilization game where Stone Henge ends up underwater because of the sea rising? Yeah. Thats all our art. All our society.

    One thousand shits on Mona Lisa for one saved human life. But we will choose to protect the symbols of capital and status quo.

    Enjoying the Gulf Stream collapsing further this summer?

  • The moral obscenity is that it’s been 70 years since the holocaust and we still won’t admit when a genocide is happening if it’s at all inconvenient for us until we’ve personally toured the camps and seen the human soot. The victims of genocide wait for Kock-funded, glue huffing NYT columnists to agree amongst themselves, and the wider consensus of respected Kock-money takers, to agree that a thing is genocide. Colonial India. Apartheid. Vietnam and Cambodia. Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ll always be waiting on evil fuckwhits at the New York Times and the Atlantic and so on to agree that people are dying because other people really fucking loathe them and consider them bugs. But GOD FORBID we be semantically incorrect as to the degree of wanton murder and the bombing of refugee corridors.

    Little Nazi shitbags.

  • Oh, but somebody please fucking tell me how great being LGBT in China is, and how overblown the oppression is. Somebody please, describe to me how there is no problem because my personhood would be recognized and my healthcare provided for if I’m lucky enough to be in a ‘tier 1’ city in the wonderful communist utopia of the PRC. Someone tell me this woman from China is lying about having to put the clamps on her Chinese account because the Chinese government want her, generally, to shut the fuck up, don’t rock the boat. And of course, she’s not been torturemurdered yet. So, with the threat of her partner’s life. they’ve coerced her into giving up her white hat hacking career. Speak out, and we will throw your girlfriend into a death camp.

    She was probably just unlucky she was born in one of those “backwards” places where the local police have unlimited power AND the tactlessness to use it. But she’s a good uplifted middle class girl, so she should culturally have access to the China I’m told is real where this shit doesn’t happen. Must be her fault for not moving to one of the good cities.

  • If Amazon has a dress code, either it allows for a degree of self expression or it does not. The move to ban political messaging in the workplace doesn’t apply to the mere statement “black lives matter”. Black Lives Matter was a social movement and its name was informal and de-facto. There is an activist organization Black Lives Matter that claims (to my knowledge) a limited ownership of white-on-black “#Black Lives Matter” but the phrase itself doesn’t have a PO box, it doesn’t make political contributions. It is a value statement that one believes black human beings have inherent value. So to cede that the English phrase “black lives matter” is political assumes that the default LEGAL and POLITICAL viewpoint is that they do not, which is the terrifying, unspoken, yet not codified by law, truth underlying half of the America justice system. When you make the argument that Amazon has the right to ban such a phrase from clothing on political grounds you and Amazon are both admitting that you believe black lives in a general sense have no value and you’re willing to take it to court, because that is where this is probably going.

    Are we really thinking that anyone at Amazon who matters actually believes that? Believes that this fundamental values conflict of American access to protected speech would actually resolve in a way that decidedly points to black lives having no worth as a legally upheld opinion in America? Really that is neither here nor there, we’re watching a version of this fascist semantics argument about free speech play out with minor or medium consequences all over the internet. This sort of move will curry some favor with racist culture warrior consumers and businesses, but it is about clamping down on employee rights to communicate symbolically at all. If the color chartreuse was a meme amongst unionists and union proponents, Amazon would do the same thing. On one side of the coin they are making a concession toward a racist status quo and on the other they are saying that the SCOTUS ruling they cite allows them to ban symbols in the workplace.

    It isn’t good to shop at Whole Foods with this knowledge in the back of your brain. We will now, if you want, employ the thought terminating cliche that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and this is almost always true. However Amazon should not be allowed to target symbolic expression like this without a dress code saying “our employees wear an apron with the Amazon smile on it and a grey, breathable jumpsuit underneath”. There are workplaces like this with dress codes where this isn’t an issue. You are seeing Amazon casually admit it controls the symbolic language of the workplace entirely if it suits their agendas. Legality is not universal truth, especially when the Supreme Court has been arranged to flagrantly serve the interests of the business class. So there’s one argument for why people should get to wear chartreuse colored shirts that say whatever the fuck they want but hate speech.

    I lost this typing it the first time and my second try wasn’t as good. I don’t care if you have a bunch of holes and flaws in my arguments to point out, I will quietly read them and appreciate them, but I will maintain you’re arguing for something racist and unethical either way unless it’s a really good argument. IE you’re not going to get me to say “gee you are right” by drawing similarities to Twitter cancellations over bad words and deplatforming of conservatives for speech that would get them punched in the nose in a public venue. In life, it is impossible to avoid political ideas, and even more impossible to avoid the techniques for propagating memetic formatted ideas like ads for conflict diamonds or unwell street preachers screaming the good word. You should buy your seitan somewhere that isn’t trafficking with fascist pseudolegal interpretations of free speech so they can control their employees by betting that a spineless lower court will uphold a directly evil SCOTUS ruling.

  • How Cool And Liberal and definitely not two faced. So while black people begin to avoid Whole Foods, you’ll still be shopping there because its not a problem for you. And as a good liberal of course, you agree there’s no reason people can state “black lives matter to me” on their clothes. Sure, in the privacy of your own property but not in Massa’s house. Bezo’s free speech quashes the protections of the speech of his lessers and… that is simply the law. You’re relieved of guilt.

    You know, I’m not a tankie, but the self deluding, boot licking, and casual racist assumptions about whose lives are “political statements” based on their lamenting of being constantly murdered and stepped on by society, do give me a sympathetic window into their specific disgust of neoliberals. People like you go along to get along and nothing more.

    You’re quite fine with racism because Whole Foods is cheap.