• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • My favorite posts on here are ones that address the underlying causes that make us want to say “fuck cars.”

    As a resident of northern Utah, I see all the time the negative results of the intersection of car-centric city planning, religious idiocy, and “small government” conservatism.

    I like cars. I don’t like the political system that allowed car companies to circumvent environmental standards and push ugly ass trucks and SUVs.

    I love going for long drives to see new places. I hate that so many interstates were built to destroy “undesirable” neighborhoods.

    For example, the I-190 from Buffalo to Niagara Falls ruins public access. The Robert Moses Parkway that runs along the Niagara River to the Falls does the same. There isn’t the political will to fix these things.

    That pisses me off

    I love driving. I don’t like drivers who have received minimal training because the state thinks having a drivers licence is more of a right than a privilege.

    I think everyone should have to pass a more rigorous road test every 5 years. I think anyone who buys an RV should have a Class B CDL.

    I don’t like roads that make it dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists, scooter riders, etc.

    I want there to be better public transportation. I want high speed rail.

    Are there drivers who are absolute assholes and drive unsafely or intentionally cause excessive air/noise pollution? Yeah. They should be shamed for their behavior.

    However, not all bicyclists obey the rules of the road. I rode an electric scooter for almost 18 months as my primary mode of transportation. I had more close calls with cyclists and other scooter riders going the wrong way or ignoring traffic devices than with cars.

  • That was one thing. They tried to keep that hidden.

    In Ohio, the local Mormon-run bank went under - so did a lot of others at the time but they were being just as greedy and stupid as everyone else.

    In Missouri, they were actually on the moral high ground but walking in new to town and telling your new neighbors that they’re going to hell for slavery isn’t a good idea. Also, they tried to buy up all the land and move enough people in to take over the elected positions.

    In Illinois, one of the final straws was when Joseph Smith, as mayor of Nauvoo, declared a rival newspaper a public menace and had their press destroyed. Legal at the time but, again, great way to piss off your neighbors.

    The history of the church is basically a string of grifts, arrogance, misogyny, and racism. Right up to today but now you can add homophobia and transphobia.

    The cherry on top is BYU telling its incoming freshmen that they have to study an infamous speech from “Apostle” Jeffrey R Holland, who used a bunch of dog whistles to call for violence under the guise of “religious freedom.”
