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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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  • 176 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • I am for the working class, not the owner-class and their lackeys that help divide us with culture wars and identity politics.

    It is interesting, but I still see it as jargon and a distraction for the issues that will unite the working class.

    Intersectionality is a sociological analytical framework for understanding how groups’ and individuals’ social and political identities result in unique combinations of discrimination and privilege. Examples of these factors include gender, caste, sex, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, religion, disability, height, age, and weight.

  • Crumbs are crumbs for the working class.

    That is why I have this as my banner:

    Fighting for minorities is not a monopoly that the Democrats hold; similar to their support for the working class, it is all an act so as to fearmonger and fundraise.

    Some learned this from the Obama failures, others from the Bernie Sanders Era failures, and some learned before and others will learn after another status quo president is elected.

    Raise your standards and check out third parties so we may continue to fight against the status quo.

  • I don’t think it’s relevant to compare abortion pre 2000 to post.

    hahaha, wow.

    Anyway, here ya go:


    [Image, image to text below]


    History of Democrats Refusing To Codify Roe v Wade when they could have:

    Jimmy Carter: Supermajority 1977-1979, Majority 79-81

    Bill Clinton: Full Majority 1993-1995

    Barack Obama: Supermajority for 72 days, Majority from 2009-2011. (plus independents who agreed to vote for the Freedom of Choice Act Obama promised to codify “first thing” after winning the election. But, Obama quickly said after winning, it’s not his “highest legislative priority.”)

    Joe Biden: Full Majority 2021-2023

    When Democrats say “we didn’t have enough votes” and then fundraise for anti-abortion dems over pro-choice dems, they are telling you they don’t support choice.
