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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Someone cut me off going through an intersection at the bottom of a steep hill and just stopped with his blinker on. So politely, I flashed my brights a couple of times, a bunch of traffic is piling up behind me and cars were swerving and slamming on their brakes to avoid an accident. Tons of honking from everybody who’s pissed at this guy. So, he decides to get out of his car and shout at me about it. “My hazards are on what’s honking gonna accomplish?!” Me: “That’s your turn signal.” Him: “Damn I guess my lights are broken, too. Well you shouldn’t be honking so much!” Me: “I flashed my brights, everybody else you made swerve off the road was honking at you.” Him: “Well your car’s dirty.” Steps away back to his road hazard.

    I still regret not laying down on the horn after that insult to my whip’s honor.

  • Right out of the gate you’re talking about some shit veterinarians have to learn after I already indicated it was heinous shock value shit (not a compliment). You plastered it on a public forum to “get someone’s attention” that clearly wasn’t interested in talking and was only toying with you because you couldn’t let it go for days until a mod noticed. It’s gross and petty and off putting; leagues worse than some emoji spammer. The hoards of downvotes in this and the other aren’t a fluke, they’re a response to how you chose to present yourself and dig your heels in when you get a negative reaction. Championing that behavior is aiming to make these spaces grosser, pettier, and more hostile.

  • So, I read it. I get where your coming from re: vague buzz words without any substance. Aside from the deeper cuts where you were just saying some heinous shock value shit, I get it.

    Assuming your aim was steering the conversation towards a productive talk about effective language, why would you approach it with so much hostility?

    Edit: Sincerely asking in good faith, just trying to understand that mindset since it’s pretty common.