• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I like this guide! However, I keep running into an Operation not permitted error when attempting to change the ownership to the plex.plex group. I’ve run into this a few times and cannot seem to get around it.

    EDIT: Got it working, though still running into an operation not permitted error. Though, I unmounted and remounted the drives changing the uid to a new mount point. Plex is able to see the files now!

    Now to start messing with docker…

    EDIT 2: Short lived, changes revert after reboot and have to remount again with changes.

  • I finished Rigged by David Shimer just before this one. I really like the style of delivery here where there is seemingly no bias. A lot of quotes in the one I am currently reading, with evidence based context around it. Kind of letting you draw your own conclusions.

    I’m only two chapters in thus far, but I’m really enjoying it. I had to reach past Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History by Gregg Jarrett to get this one at the library, can only imagine the “facts” in that one.

  • In the halls of my middle school, I felt like a ghost, invisible to everyone except the bullies who made my life a living hell. Every day, they taunted me, mocked my appearance, and tripped me in the hallway.

    I tried to ignore them, but the constant harassment wore me down. One day, pushed to my limit, I finally snapped. When the ringleader, Jake, shoved me into a locker, I swung back, landing a punch square on Jake’s nose.

    The satisfaction of retaliation was fleeting as the principal’s office became my next destination. Despite explaining my side, I was met with a stern lecture on violence and the consequences of my actions.

    But in that moment of defiance, something shifted within me. I realized that standing up for myself didn’t have to involve fists. It meant finding the courage to speak out, seeking help from trusted adults, and refusing to let the bullies define me.

    That night my dad came into my room and savagely beat with a set of jumper cables for getting in trouble.