Head of the Teleyal family
Writer of the DnD story at https://teleyal.blog
TZ: Europe/Berlin
Characters on the website are owned by me!

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 25th, 2021


  • Wouldn’t it make more sense to get a small SSD instead of a USB stick and connect it via USB using an external enclosure? There shouldn’t be much difference regarding performance, but there should be in lifespan. You could also split partitions up and use the free space for other things.

  • I prefer distro packages, because they don’t need to install dependencies, which are already installed. But for testing out a program or in need of several versions of one and the same one, it’s a great deal.
    But even for testing or running multiple versions, AppImage is the better solution, in my opinion.

  • They’re only talking about the clouds. So, it’s not allowed to use e.g. Microsoft Skydrive or Google Drive. But as long as it’s possible to use Microsoft Office also offline, they’re doing it here.
    Banning the clouds is a good start, but politics stopped there, without thinking about the offline software.

  • Hi,

    I think we do have valuable content and users.
    When I get aware of content or users that are violating rules, I’ll remove them as soon as possible. But it’s possible that I don’t get aware of some comments/posts/users, and it looks like not many people are using the report function, so it may be possible that some comments/posts/users are available for a short while longer.

    As the provider and administrator, I can assure that I will take appropriate action against illegal content as soon as I get aware.

    EDIT: I would also be thankful for any evidence for your words.