One of the Hoi4 mod servers im on is actively debating making an agent portrait of him. The debate is about historical accuracy not morality.
One of the Hoi4 mod servers im on is actively debating making an agent portrait of him. The debate is about historical accuracy not morality.
They were also fighting Britain and France, two of our closest allies. It was a poor excuse even then.
The average Fascist has about as much intelligence as a loaf of bread. Yet I am still surprised by them cause at least the bread doesnt scream about how its bread.
Fun fact you can fit a lighbulb into your mouth but cant get it back out without it breaking.
Dislocation of the jaw and unhinging doesnt count, the snake people can go back to Reno where they belong.
I am choosing to say insane nonsequiters for my own amusement.
Hexbear is a horrific mix of trolls and true believers that makes it weirdly toxic.
Give them some slack, my brain decided to morph it all into color slop for no reason. Took me two tries to get it to stop.
But yeah OP made a kinda dumb comment.
Gen X Californians for some reason
I guess this is a matter of inventing it on a base level and making it worthwhile. Just cause ya domesticated the horse doesnt mean ya can ride it.
Haber, he is generally credited with creating the process. Also mustard gas.
Diesel engine, Mustard gas, and Synthetic fertilizer.
I know but I want my other gas mask boys damnit!
Fucken A dude, I know the Gaunts were getting crusty. Now if only Games Workshop would update some of the non-Cadian Guard models, I want some non-forgeworld Armageddon Steel Legion models.
At least you can play a game with 'Nid models. Also have you guys gotten any updated models yet? I know you guys were in the same boat as the Skaven for quite awhile.
A solid percentage of Americans are dumber than shit. Ive also encountered folks who thought that California is independent from the United States and also Muslim for some fucking reason. As a born, raised, and actively living in California I can garuntee neither of those facts are true. Seriously we are at worst nationalistic not independent.
Horses are probably the single most fucked up animal on the planet, with maybe the sole exception of Przewaski’s horse. Seriously we fucked them up so badly, like im pretty sure if every dog was a badly fucked up as horses they would be a hybrid of American bulldogs, Bull terriers, and chihuahuas.
This is to say never use a horse as a barometer for anything when it comes to standard functions.
Yeah, kinda miss that era. Luckily Lemmy emulates kinda well, just wish that there were more proper old school forums for nich but large communities like NCD or Rimworld.
Trust me it aint nothing like that, plus I have far far closer groups to hate. Like the fucking Seventh day Adventists, fucking cultists have been a pain in my family’s side for generations.
I said my anger was like that of a Slayer, but I am far too meticulous also broke. I also live in the middle of fucken nowhere SoCal, I am impotent with mine rage.
These people make me question if I truly want to make the lives of as many people as good as possible, or if I want to commit Genocide on them in particular.
Seriously these people are so fucking stupid and insipid, the fuck are we supposed to do with them? Because im only coming up with lobotomy and forcing them to survive Death Valley in peak summer.
Which is annoying cause the game world itself is usually pretty fun just to explore.