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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • well, i guess if you shoot someone, i do hope you get tricked into admitting it…
    the rest of the criminal “justice” system is bullshit, but i do prefer to separate murderers from other people…

    regarding never admitting something, sometimes it actually works in your favor… especially, or only really, if you’re directly caught.
    lying to a cop will piss them off, and is technically another crime. apologizing will often get you you a warning…
    (the 5th means you don’t have to incriminate yourself, but doesn’t give you permission to lie)
    especially if you look chagrined and throw a “sir” in there…
    source: lifelong petty criminal
    p.s. you can kinda combine the two with “oh did i? i’m sorry… i thought i came to a full stop…” and then fight it in court.

  • it’s not safe to stay out to shovel until Wednesday (when the temps and windchill will finally be above negative)

    i grew up in michigan and, yeah i shoveled snow in negative temps when i was 12… it’s safe IF you bundle up properly.
    some long johns, or even sweat pants, two pair of jeans… boots… (you can put breadbags over your socks if they leak or you don’t have boots…
    tons of layers of shirts, a ski mask, and gloves…
    no problem… you want the outermost layer to be waterproof/windproof…
    trench coats are actually quite functional and not just for murderers hiding guns…
    and the more you shovel, the more you warm up…
    of course, if the wind is real bad it gets kinda pointless, but you can kinda throw the snow with the wind and it’ll fly away… (unless there’s not one prevailing direction of wind)
    ummm… road salt is pretty important… sand helps too…
    also the layers help when you fall down on the ice…

  • allow me to sum up interpersonal relationships between all 8 billion people in one sentence:
    you can’t

    but, in a nutshell… physical attraction is usually important, so is romance… usually a commitment to this person in terms of time and future plans where they become more like family (and maybe eventually actually family if you have kids)

    there’s such a crazy spectrum of the ways in which people could get along and consider themselves “in a relationship”.
    every rule or tendency is constantly broken, it escapes definition.
    in general, it begins with attraction and flirting, or it’s cemented as a friendship…
    and, poetically, i’d say it’s a relationship when they start to see themselves as an entity, and of course others will see them like that too… a sort of hive-mind develops…
    sorta like when celebrity couples get a combo nickname…