• spicy pancake
    4429 days ago

    PSA don’t use that ice directly in beverages. I have no published evidence to back this up but I’ve never heard of any kind of rules regarding their cleaning schedule…

    • @Crashumbc@lemmy.world
      3129 days ago

      Don’t think about restaurant ice then…

      (Hint: same ice machines, and the same lack of oversight)

      Source: 10 years working commercial HVAC/R…

      • @idiomaddict@feddit.de
        2529 days ago

        If it helps, I worked in restaurants for eight years and at least every other year, someone would forget how thermal shock works and put a hot glass directly into the ice maker, so we’d clean it thoroughly then.

        So you know, not oversight or intention, but stupidity leads to sporadic cleaning.

        I don’t take ice in restaurants either

          • @idiomaddict@feddit.de
            1229 days ago

            I’ve worked for some garbo places, but all of them shut the ice machine down immediately for super thorough and annoying cleaning. Ice and glass are too hard to tell apart and the dangers of ice in a drink are too high for even the greediest managers I’ve had to want to chance it.

            Someone out there might risk it, but it’s a pretty obvious thing to avoid

    • @TheFriar@lemm.ee
      29 days ago

      Eh. That’s no way to live life. Can’t be worrying about that kinda stuff. Who ever heard about anything bad happening? With the ice? Sure, if you think too hard about it it might seem gross, but…just don’t think. My happiness grew 100% the year I gave up thinking. I don’t even know how percentages work. That’s how much I don’t think. Ice is fine. Eat the ice, put it in your drinks, whatever. There are very few things left in this late stage capitalist hellacape that we even get as “perks” anymore because we aren’t fucking appreciated, we are just figures now. You used to be able to check your bags on a plane for free, but then 9/11 “hit the industry hard” and to “get back on their feet” (after their billions and billions in bailout money)—-shit…I started thinking again. I vow to never do that again.