SWAT raid for Airpods seems like a misuse of public money. (among other things)
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The air pods did lead them to that street, then the cops just apparently picked a random house to raid.
So it’s accurate, but it would have been best to add “following armed carjacking”.
But the real issue is the overuse of raids and judges being way to fucking lenient with warrants.
Both things Biden claims he reigned in two years ago via executive order. I know because whenever I point out how not enough is done about our policing issues, people keep telling me everything is fine and Biden already fixed this and I should stop worrying about it.
Clearly it’s still happening and people are being traumatized. Luckily this time the police didn’t murder anyone at least.
But none of these cops or the judge who signed a bullshit warrant will ever be held accountable.
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The author does not write the headlines.
Unfortunate for them that their name is right under the headline. Does the editor write the headline?
The sub-editor writes it.
Then what does the dom-editor do all day?
Makes sure the naughty little subs do their jobs.
Typical clickbait
Clickbait? These people had their home broken into and ransacked by a bunch of goons pointing rifles at them for absolutely no reason other than incompetence. They didn’t even fix the damage they cause as noted at the end of the article.
“Over stolen airpods” lead me to think that there wasn’t any other reason for the SWAT presence than that.
Is it really the article headline that makes you think that or the reputation of policing in America?
Headline made me think it, it does seem to imply that
The majority of police departments are a misuse of public money. We need actual public safety and welfare.
In Albuquerque 911 will tell you to find a station and put in a claim lol. These guys brought a whole team out.
Precisely. They probably needed to hit some SWAT quota to get the same SWAT budget next fiscal year.
He hopes in the course of the lawsuit to better understand how county police decide when to deploy a SWAT team.
“They probably have some kind of analytic multifactor test and they will fight tooth and nail to have that test not be exposed,” Schock says.
There’s no shot the decision to send SWAT is anything other than if they feel like cosplaying that day.
Right, their analytical multifactor test is “Do I want to? Does my hunch say I should?”.
“Is there a donut shop on the way?”
They could just have… You know… Sent someone to have a look around the place. They’d probably just found the AirPods. Or… They could have… You know… Acted like humans instead of paranoid power tripping psychos and -and I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out - rung the doorbell and asked questions like “have you seen anything?”
The SWAT team was looking for guns and other material related to a carjacking that had occurred that morning.
If they believed guns were possibly involved then it makes more sense to not just knock on the door.
They picked a house close to the AirPod location and raided it. Their actions are ridiculous, there was no good faith taking place here.
Well there’s that whole pesky 2nd amendment in the US so guns are everywhere. Doesn’t give them an excuse to terrorize an innocent family.
I’m just talking about their justification for SWAT and not knocking. Not trying to say they didn’t do a piss poor job here.
If they believed guns were possibly involved then it makes more sense to not just knock on the door.
Probably makes more sense to be sure who you are about to SWAT though. Maybe watch the house awhile from a distance? Scout it out? Otherwise demonstrate that you have a tactic other than not giving a shit about the people you claim to protect?
I agree. I was just talking about the knocking thing.
Sorry for coming in hot. 🙂
No worries
How is proximity to recovered stolen goods, found in a public area, enough to gain a warrant for a (no knock?) SWAT raid?
Not even recovered. Didn’t they find them ditched into the street hours after tearing the house apart?
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One of two options, a complete failure of understanding on how find your device works and the inaccuracies involved on both the police department and judges side or maliciously misrepresentating the accuracy of the technology by the police department.
Wauw. American cops are really scared of…everything aren’t they.
This family is lucky they didn’t have an oak tree in their front yard or they’d have all been shot in self defense
ONE GUY empties his clip into the back of his own squad car with a handcuffed suspect in it because of a falling acorn and now suddenly the whole force is getting an ear full… I’m sorry, but I thought this was America
Thanks for the laugh, Randy.
I thought this was America
Yeah, that’s why everyone is worried it’s part of standard police training 😄
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A fuckin SWAT raid for a damn pair of AirPods bruh ? What the fuck ? Like what in the actual fuck ? Can i get a swat in here because i lost one of my buds somewhere and maybe they can shoot up the cusions to find em ?
Headline is slightly misleading, it was that a pair of carjackers stole a car that had AirPods within it so the police used the Find My location of those AirPods to therefore believe they could sent SWAT around to this lady’s address.
Because it is difficult to call in whom lives at a home or see a car.
They picked a random house near the iPod location and assaulted it like a bunch of amateur goons. The headline is misleading, but the police are guilty of multiple crimes and should all be facing ACA charges. Every single one of them.
Makes more sense
Maybe you should actually read the article first before commenting.
Getting told to fuck off by the police, or having them send a swat team for you when your property is stolen.
The bipartisan police state everyone. We need to pass electoral reform so we can choose to be free.
Switching away from first past the post voting makes third parties viable and eliminates the spoiler effect. Just search for videos on FPTP voting if you want an explanation on how and why first past the post voting makes third parties not viable.
Electoral reform is possible in each individual state (for now), we dont need federal reform! Maine and Alaska have already passed electoral reform.
So what’s the hold up with the rest of the states? Consider starring a campaign to chanfe how we vote in your own state! Force our representatives to compete with fresh outside ideas. We deserve the best representation, not excuses.
I don’t believe voting reform alone will solve the two party problem, since we continue to have single-winner elections. We will need to push through voting reform and add-on some kind of proportional representation (my favorite is Sequential Proportional Approval Voting). Then we’ll have a real chance for minor parties to have representation in office, instead of just at the bottom of the ballot box.
I wonder if FPTP and/or winner take all elections inevitably lead to some kind of tyranny by the majority.
“Tyranny of the majority” is nothing more than an anti-democratic authoritarian dog whistle.
FPTP is easily manipulated, abused, and prone to corruption… allowing a MINORITY to seize power from the majority by limiting/controlling the people’s options.
Except in the US a tyranny of the majority isn’t even what is happening. All the shitty things that are happening are wanted by a minority of the population.
Ferguson MO sounds familiar.
Feel bad for the Shamily Family
Say that five times fast!
If my door explodes off the hinges, I’m emptying my Colt .45 into the hole. I’d better hear “POLICE!” and see some red and blues first.
EDIT: Apparently y’all just gonna lay down when the fascists come. I’d rather die with my boots on. That is not a knee-jerk reaction. I’ve thought on it quite a bit. You do you.
you die sad and alone on the foor of your living room, body still in shock after 20 new holes are created by the swat team.
You are a moron.
He’s using a .45 in 2024. Evaluating available options and weighing the pros and cons is not in his wheelhouse.
Eh, .45 is still a good caliber when concealment is not a factor.
It’s fine, but the same size gun will hold a lot more 9mm and training with it is way more affordable. There’s not enough difference in lethality to worry about. The only situation where I’d take a 45 over a 9 would be shooting suppressed and subsonic since that’s the only time the bigger bullet would really be helpful.
Cool story, bro.
Oh please, you wouldn’t have it out of the holster before the already prepared-to-react swat team, with their already raised barrels, would open fire on you.
As for me, I’ll just reinforce my door and frame with metal and get a home camera system. If a swat team comes knocking, it’ll buy enough time for me to turn on the intercom and ask for both the warrant and affidavit that they are required to have on hand.
Homeboy here probably wouldn’t, but this is Missouri. Cops getting shot/shooting someone who shot at them because they’re dumb as fuck and don’t announce who they are is not an altogether uncommon occurrence here. There’s a reason STL (at least ostensibly) banned no-knocks.
It’s on my desk 24/7, locked and loaded. And no, I might not get a single shot off. I understand this. I’m also willing to die if my door explodes without warning.
I am old enough to give my life. This is a whole 'nother thought process from being young. I will not allow fascists to take over my country.
You have a better plan? Sounds like you do, and I like it! Thought the same, can’t afford it ATM. How many of us can?
It’s on my desk 24/7, locked and loaded.
You’re a shitty gun-owner. Also negligent. Store your firearms in a safe.
That’s not necessary if there’s no one else in the house and you’re at home. Heck, when I was a kid people left rifles in display cases in their front room, with children around, and nothing bad came of it. It’s a different world now, with different requirements, but locking your gun in a safe when you’re home alone is not one of them.
Heck, when I was a kid people left rifles in display cases in their front room, with children around, and nothing bad came of it.
Ok grandpa
Congratulations! You won the prize of becoming a statistic! You win a news article about your death and an expensive funeral.
Yep. I would surely die. I get that. But I’m not having my home invaded without fighting back. And the life insurance, cremation, etc., is already planned.
You plan to lie down when the fascists come knocking? Meekly go on the train? Because we’re there. That’s your choice.
You plan to lie down when the fascists come knocking? Meekly go on the train?
No, we just choose plans of action that don’t amount to suicide and may actually change things…
Adding your body to the pile isn’t helping or changing anything. There are much smarter choices you could be making instead. I don’t see how how living to see another day is any more “meek” than willingly jumping under the boot and dying fruitlessly because you somehow think it’s the only way to fight back.
Do you just sit at your door with a gun in hand all day? You don’t think you might be, idk… taking a shit at the time? Or cooking dinner? Or showering? Or sleeping? Or any of the million other things people do at home? If you’re showering with your gun then I’m sad for how much fear you’re living your life with.
You don’t think you might be, idk… taking a shit at the time?
If even Vincent fell victim to this, then there’s no chance for OP.