And since you won’t be able to modify web pages, it will also mean the end of customization, either for looks (ie. DarkReader, Stylus), conveniance (ie. Tampermonkey) or accessibility.
The community feedback is… interesting to say the least.
And since you won’t be able to modify web pages, it will also mean the end of customization, either for looks (ie. DarkReader, Stylus), conveniance (ie. Tampermonkey) or accessibility.
The community feedback is… interesting to say the least.
Mozilla income went from $78m to $497m. It’s a much bigger organisation to before. Also if you inflation rate the 500k pay, it’s now worth $710k
The web changed, and complexity increased and even staying in there against a larger adversary is hard. Unless you run a company that is competing with Google, I don’t think you’re really qualified to comment.
Edit: Just realise your description has “Fuck Mozilla!” and you’ve been bashing it since you started on Lemmy. Looks very shilly to me.