You guys don’t use fireworks at new years?
Yes, but it’s generally professional shows or just a few at midnight. On the fourth it’s like half the neighborhood setting them off from dusk to 11ish.
half the neighborhood setting them off from dusk to 11ish
I live in a state where, as far as I can tell, anyone can get any amount of explosives of any lethality. So this holiday runs from late June into early August every year.
Totally opposite where I’m at, way more fireworks on New Year’s every year than I’ve ever seen on the Fourth
Lol Los Angeles would very much like to disagree
OK, but aren’t there still like 100x more on the fourth?
You’re certainly right, it’s downright terrifying when it goes from a few dozen a day to a few thousand. I swear it was like someone was letting out a machine gun for a solid 4 hours.
“Inflammable means flammable? What a country!”
What do you call something that isn’t flammable?
Found out today two neighbors had injuries or damage from other people. Teens shot fireworks at one guy, and another had her window shattered we hope from a firework and not a stray bullet. God damn I hate that holiday.
are these numbers a sum from like 30 years? or made up? because they seem unbelievably high to be yearly averages
For 2023, CPSC received reports of eight deaths and an estimated 9,700 injuries involving fireworks. Out of the eight deaths, five were associated with firework misuse, two with a device malfunction, and one involves unknown circumstances.
I’m actually more amazed at how sparklers were represented there. Compared to m80s and turbo tubes, they’re so benign
People think they are safer because they do not explode, they just sparkle!
And they give them to kids and drunk people who run around wildly with them.
They do not realize that sparklers are basically sticks of shitty thermite, burning at 2000 F.
If you had a candle or even a piece of kindling set on fire, and were waving it around willy nilly and bumped into someone, it’d hurt for a bit, but you could probably treat it with cold water, a minor burn.
Two fucking thousand degrees?
Different story.
In addition to the temperature difference, if an ember is shoved into something, the portion in contact is cut off from air and the burning rate slows/stops at the point of contact. Pyrotechnics like in sparklers have an oxidizer mixed in and will continue to burn even/especially with tight contact. Sparklers actually burn faster/hotter when compressed. Taping a whole bunch of sparklers tightly together becomes explosive.
Plus a lot of sparklers have a metal wire core that is efficient at transferring heat to skin. Whereas wood and charcoal are relatively insulating.
This is correct, and I appreciate the furthering of explaining why sparklers are deceptively dangerous.
People just assume its like a more familiar kind of fire and thus dramatically underestimate the danger.
Also I was going to mention the bomb thing but I decided not to, but uh yeah lol, its kind of wild that shit is legal at all, given that its pretty fucking easy to make a significantly dangerous explosive out of and, at least as far as I am aware, you basically buy all that shit with cash, unlike other types of chemicals which can be made into bombs which are pretty heavily monitored and regulated.
As someone who shoots professionally, these numbers feel low to me. The stupid shit I see every day folks do makes me wonder how they’re still legal without a license
Yeah, let your grasses dry a bit more so there isnt any lameass smoldering. We want a full blown fire boys /s
Yeah? Well fuck you too, graph.
Man, you just look at a graph wrong and they give you a rude gesture…
What are people celebrating in June? Juneteenth?
Fireworks sales start at the end of June.
According to your data, February sounds pleasant
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