The TLS certificate is not valid
I did a woopsy, forgot to make the changes permanent, and my server auto-updated, won’t happen again
Not worky
Worky now
tomato website where you can throw tomatoes on a photo. website with tomatoes
Website where you click a catboy to make him spin, and the faster you click the faster he spins
Cheat console codes
Trap boy
document.getElementById("catboy").src = "";
Custom image hack
let p = document.createElement("input");p.type = "file";p.onchange = () => { var r = new FileReader(); r.onload = (e) => { document.getElementById("catboy").src =; }; r.readAsDataURL(p.files[0]); };document.getElementsByClassName("col")[0].appendChild(p);
Endless rotation
rpm = -3000;
144 FPS unlocker
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++) window.clearInterval(i);setInterval(() => { = `${rot}deg`; rot += rpm / 60; while (rot > 360) rot -= 360; }, 1000 / 144);setInterval(() => { if (rpm > 0) rpm -= rpm / 100; rpmIndiCATor.innerHTML = Math.floor(rpm); }, 10);
setInterval(() => { rpm += parseInt(Math.random() * 100); }, 10);
Amazing! Can you add a high score tracker?
There ya go
Awesome!! 3348 is the best I can get 😁
A page that just says “Made you look” and a visitor counter.
Make one that just says you’re wrong. Then we can always go “Oh yeah? Well this website says you’re wrong”
Oooh maybe it could take in a name as query parameter so it would say “Sorry [name], you’re wrong”
Perfect ✨
I want a website where you can throw tomatoes to a photo you select
A website where you pick compatible wine or spirit production techniques and it calculates the resulting alcohol and sugar contents so that you can mix and match them but still have some idea of the outcome.
Fermentation - Inputs; water, yeast, fruit pulp (dropdown supported fruit types)
SO2 addition
Distillation - Input: number of times
Result: 99% Alcohol (You suck at winemaking)
Since everyone here is obsessed with tomatoes, I suggest a site that has the visitors vote on whether it’s a fruit or a vegetable, and then just redirects to a dancing tomato instead of the results.
pull a random image from imgflip and a random text from `fortune-mod’, add it as caption and post the result when you click a button.
A website where you are shown 3 images of three different writing pens. You are tasked with guessing which pen is the most expensive.
He could partner up with
Clicking on that link felt like a victory
Website that puts cobwebs on another website chosen by the user (via an iframe?)
I’m not quite sure how that could be done…
I can’t modify the contents of other websites embedded as iframes. The other option would be to make a request in my server and modify the content and then pass that, but then I’d be hosting an unsecured proxy which I don’t want to do.
The only good way to do this would be with a browser extension, which I haven’t got a clue on how to create. :/
Couldn’t you just overlay some cobweb pngs over the iframe? And on scroll of the iframe you could move them accordingly.
Thats what i had in mind… :( i guess the world is more secure now but it dont work no more
This made me laugh
beautiful. 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐