I am looking for suggestions on how to tackle a large reading list (currently at 556). A big part (maybe smaller than I think) is a collection of Ann Rule, Stephen King and Star Trek novels (currently just the Pocket TOS and movie novelizations). The way I go about things is to just read whatever I am in the mood for. Makes it hard for me to keep a consistent reading progression. I do read by publication date.

I want to hear how others pick what to read. My current idea is to take a chunk of one selection and alternate with others in between.

  • eldavi@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    when i have a long list i go with audio novels first and then read written versions if there’s no audio version. that way i can “read” through my list while simultaneously working and burning time on social media. lol

    I’ve started with the audio book series entitled: Anti Imperialism of Star Trek Deep Space Nine and then i think i’m going to read theory after that.