I am looking for suggestions on how to tackle a large reading list (currently at 556). A big part (maybe smaller than I think) is a collection of Ann Rule, Stephen King and Star Trek novels (currently just the Pocket TOS and movie novelizations). The way I go about things is to just read whatever I am in the mood for. Makes it hard for me to keep a consistent reading progression. I do read by publication date.

I want to hear how others pick what to read. My current idea is to take a chunk of one selection and alternate with others in between.

  • Mr_Blott@feddit.uk
    5 months ago

    Also, never take recommendations from sites like Lemmy or Reddit. If you ask the average internaut what they recommend, they’ll come out with the most pretentious thing they can think of, rather than admitting they’re powering through all 25 Jack Reacher novels lol