“Never Threaten me with a good time!”-RFK Jr.
Is it trying to speedrun turning into a crab by skipping wayy too many steps?
Rofl, peak evolutioning!
Everything ends up crab or turtle in the end.
Seems like March 2025 has been an exciting month for parasitology. This and the non breathing myxozoan are rather unusual finds
Don’t forget the largest parasite found to date is having its moment right now as well, the genus of Muskusfucksus.
Wow, TIL about this!
That’s very similar to the myxozoan I read about the other day. The more you know
So aliens, right?
Or are we the invasive alien species?
Myxozoan are common parasite of salmonid fish, has to do with them being farmer situation.
deleted by creator
Acanthecephalon is also the unusual one, I had the chance of dissecting sand crabs which are filled with these parasites
Can’t tell if it looks more like Plantera (Terraria) or some baby Demagorgon (DnD/Stranger Things)
Thanks, I hate it.
A hydra
Fuck off! Tapeworms scare the shit out of me.
Feed me Seymour!!!
Stingrays like many sharks have spiral valve intestines, which is crazy since each turn can have a different parasite species attached
unsubscribe to tapeworm factsRfk Jr is on the next flight
Oh, man
Don’t put that into some people water or vaccine, please.