A real American scam is believing that you need to monetize your hobbies. Any full time job should pay enough to sustain a person. Everyone deserves to have free time away from work to enjoy whatever they like without having to turn their free time into another income stream
Lol that’s literally the definition of the ‘American Dream’, or at least it was.
Anyone willing to work a full 40 hour week was supposed to be able to make a decent living in America. Seems like some time around Reagan things changed.
Both our parties worship at the alter of that bull.
The Republicans are fascists, but the Neoliberal Democrats, all Democrats save 2-5 spoiler the DNC hates more than Republicans, are fascist enablers that play pretend that funnelling the value of the nation’s labor to the top few percent somehow won’t lead to fascism.
Unrestrained capitalism will always lead to fascism.
A real American scam is believing that you need to monetize your hobbies. Any full time job should pay enough to sustain a person. Everyone deserves to have free time away from work to enjoy whatever they like without having to turn their free time into another income stream
Lol that’s literally the definition of the ‘American Dream’, or at least it was.
Anyone willing to work a full 40 hour week was supposed to be able to make a decent living in America. Seems like some time around Reagan things changed.
We turned the bull loose as the slogan said.
What do bulls do to people?
We need a good matador to show that Republican bull who’s boss
Both our parties worship at the alter of that bull.
The Republicans are fascists, but the Neoliberal Democrats, all Democrats save 2-5 spoiler the DNC hates more than Republicans, are fascist enablers that play pretend that funnelling the value of the nation’s labor to the top few percent somehow won’t lead to fascism.
Unrestrained capitalism will always lead to fascism.