Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • It does make me a little uncomfortable to see intimate displays of affection in public. It doesn’t matter if it’s straight or gay or whatever.

    I have gotten comfortable with the discomfort… it’s not their problem to deal with, it’s mine.


    As my views matured, I’ve grown to realize that forcing people to comply with the comfort of people is inherently oppressive, and that when I’m in public, I’m not entitled to complete comfort.

  • I’m not a big fan of straight people holding hands or kissing in public. Like, i support people doing things like that in the privacy of their home, but they don’t need to force themselves upon is and shove their straightness down our throats. Essentially, I don’t think straight people should be able to openly exist in public, since their existence is forcing it down our throats, so they should just go back into the closet.


  • It’s been a rough week at work, and being in an environment where we are all on call and numerous people are subbing for others who are having life get in the way, a lot of people are working late and taking weekend shifts that they would have otherwise had off.

    One of my college friends works with me, and I know his responses to these questions pretty well, and boy howdy have I seen him go through all of these responses in order as things got worse and worse while the director pops in and out of call to check on us and get updates on the situation.

    Considering we would have had the weekend off and both of us stayed very late, things are going pretty OK, all things considered. Can’t complain too much if I’m still truckin’

  • bl_r@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoaww@lemmy.worldToo smol
    2 months ago

    I wish my cats were too small to press my keys

    I’ll get up to get coffee and see my cat loafing on the numpad and there’s a slack message of a bunch of random numbers still getting typed

    And she bites me when I try and push her off!

  • If whataboutism is reframing the question in a different light that includes what we were talking about and not simply deflecting with a what-about, then I guess I did a textbook whataboutism. I guess I did the classic whataboutism bit where I said tiktok wasn’t censoring, even though I swear I said they were, and instead I said what why do we give social media the power to censor shit like that I was saying tiktok wasn’t censoring and whatabout other social media. 🙄

    Whataboutism is when you don’t defend your point or argue against the original point and just change topic. Ex: “Oh you are saying that tiktok is censoring anti-ccp thought? What about facebook and twitter doing shit like banning XYZ political commentators???”

    What I said is a bit more complicated than that, so I’ll boil down my points into something a bit more simple manner

    • Yeah, tiktok is censoring content
    • I don’t like the article’s framing that places instagram as the safe, non-censoring control
    • I think media is framing this in such a way that the main reason that tiktok is a problem is because it has a lot of dissent on it and it is foreign-owned, and therefore their flavor of censorship is worse
    • instead of forcing tiktok to be sold to an american company, why don’t we address the root cause of the problem, which is the amount of control social media companies have.

    Look man, you can’t claim someone is doing a fallacious argument tactic when they aren’t doing it. If someone argued something, fucking respond to it or don’t, it genuinely doesn’t matter. But if you are gonna just be a cunty smuglord instead, you’re a dick and I wish you the worst.

    Now, i’m gonna disregard your shit-slinging and go back to taking your comments in good faith. I have a serious question for you. You seem to have a problem with my points, but what about it do you disagree with? I’m literally agreeing with you in a few places and just calling the framing flawed. If you’re gonna respond to that, don’t take me out of context.

  • If I could do an analysis like this, I would. But I don’t have the technical know-how to do so. Being like “Why don’t you do [complex activity] rather than comment on an existing study” is a shitty mindset that attempts to shut down conversation and doesn’t build upon it in any meaningful way.

    Further, I think you completely missed the point of what I said. You presented an article that showed tiktok is biased towards CCP positions, and that isn’t really surprising. I said that I don’t think Instagram is any more trustworthy simply because it is American owned, and I think the framing of that view is flawed. I don’t think it invalidates the data, I just think it places a huge amount of trust in a social media company that has been in constant controversy for its entire existence. The point is why is the problem the fact that a social media company is using their power to promote CCP viewpoints, rather than the fact that social media companies have such power with such little oversight.

    You seem to be claiming there’s a fire without even seeing any smoke while simultaneously ignoring the flames in front of your face.

    I think you can only say that when you are intentionally misinterpreting what I said to the point I think you are trying to stuff me in some little box I don’t belong in. I acknowledge that TikTok is a problem. If the problem is algorithmic bias with social media, why are we stopping with the foreign company that has opposing interests? Why aren’t we angry that a single company can hold so much power and have such little accountability?

    the only issue with Meta is how they refused to take down offensive stuff from high-profile conservatives due to political backlash

    I wish I lived in a world that this was the only issue meta had.

    I bet I’m missing a ton, but these things quickly came to mind.