#liberal #anticapitalism

An #EconomicDemocracy is a market economy where most firms are structured as #WorkerCoops.

#coops #cooperatives

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Vetting new workers can occur during the interview process.

    It would depend on the particulars of your membership contract. The law would mandate loss of voting rights for fired and leaving workers.

    Each worker coop would have a system of internal capital accounts giving each worker a recoupable claim on their investments into the firm. Workers can invest different amounts.

    1 worker 1 vote is the principle. Non-voting preferred stock can be free floating property rights as is the case today

  • It depends on how the misinformation relates to the act. There can be cases where such an act is intentional

    That sounds like a conspiracy. There are cases where the DFR party isn’t imputed legal responsibility because there isn’t enough evidence to determine who is DFR. It means we don’t know not that there isn’t a fact of the matter.

    Natural resources are not fruits of labor. They should be socially owned. Each worker coop DFR for greenhouse gases would be liable to society

  • What do you mean?

    There is de facto responsibility (DFR) associated with any intentional action.

    The mob boss situation is different from the car situation I was presenting The mob boss and his crony are both jointly DFR. The mob boss participated in the planning of the crime. Furthermore, the situation is a conspiracy.

    Each party is DFR for their contribution to the tragedy of the commons at a bare minimum. DFR doesn’t subsume other notions of culpability

  • Not necessarily that you should get all the profit. You should get the whole (positive and negative) product. The workers would have to jointly buy or lease the equipment as they’re responsible for using up its services in production.

    Banks should be structured as democratic worker coops.

    The workers are jointly de facto responsible, the “who did the deed” sense of responsibility, for the output. The pure application of the tenet I mentioned is to purposeful results of deliberate actions

  • The smoker is de facto responsible. Other kinds of responsibility could extend some blame to the manufacturers etc. Those are not responsibility in the de facto sense.

    For example, someone sells a car to a person that commits a crime using it; the car seller is not involved in the planning or execution of the crime. The car purchaser is solely de facto responsible for the crime. I am using responsibility in the narrow de facto sense.

    The tragedy of the commons is not a purposeful result

  • Who is responsible for smoking remains the same. It is just the legal consequences associated with that action that change.

    The kind of responsibility being discussed when someone neglects their duties is different from what is being discussed when we are talking about de facto responsibility.

    A group of people is de facto responsible for a result if it is a purposeful result of their joint intentional actions. Production is a planned and deliberate process. Workers are de facto responsible

  • To adhere to this tenet, all firms would have to be structured as democratic worker coops. This would benefit society by making it more just. The basic idea of a miscarriage of justice is when someone else is held legally responsible for the deeds of another party such as when one party cooperates to commit a crime and another innocent party is held guilty of it. The employer-employee contract varies in degree, but it is also a miscarriage of justice.

    What do you mean by benefit?

  • “Responsibility” has different senses. One must be clear which sense is being discussed. Who is legally culpable for an action is what I am talking about with “legal responsibility.” De facto responsibility is a descriptive concept independent of whether there even is a legal system to impute legal responsibility. Property and contract determine the legal consequence of being held culpable. De facto responsibility is about purposeful results of deliberate actions. Morals have an objective part