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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I agree with the folks talking about instrumental music, since music with vocals can be more distracting. Classical music and jazz can both be great - pick a composer and chances are there are huge playlists of all their symphonies or piano sonatas or whatever on Youtube. Or a Youtube search for “(jazz artist name here) full album” can get you a full album to listen to. I also like Soundcloud for listening to more “homemade” music by new artists. I ditched Spotify over the Rogan stuff so youtube and soundcloud are my main sources for streaming music these days

  • One quote that jumps out: “It’s difficult to say with certainty what the causes are, but Facebook has made no secret about its intention to deprioritize news on its platform and give greater precedence to video content, which by nature results in less clickthrough traffic."

    It does feel like my Facebook “algorithm” is constantly trying to push “shorts” on me…annoying little videos clearly meant to imitate, I assume, Youtube Shorts, Tiktok, Instagram short videos, etc…

    Broadly speaking, with all that’s happening in the social media world, it feels like some sort of reckoning or change is coming, but where exactly things are heading is hard to say…

  • Love the idea of smaller “indie” social media communities without any profit incentive, just purely spaces to socialize and hang out. Also appreciate that there’s solid moderation against hate speech etc. Otherwise it’s still clear that it’s a new and growing thing and perhaps there’s some uncertainty about what the day-to-day realities of it will look like, but it’s interesting to be exploring it at such an early time.

  • I started writing music when I took a college class that required us to download Finale Notepad, a free composition software. Back in those days I just wrote tiny little “sketches” and fragments of ideas, but more than ten years later and I’m now writing full compositions, usually classical-inspired, but sometimes in other genres and styles. I switched to writing in Musescore which is also free but has better digital instruments and also has more versatility