Cloudflare DNS has DoH, but it’s Cloudflare so… ew. Is there one that is more privacy respecting and also has DNS over HTTPS?

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
    -23 years ago

    Telling people on privacy communities to use Google products is closest to the worst advice you can give, atleast as far as this century timeline is concerned.

      03 years ago

      Just because it is not the advice that is expected does not make it bad advice. Obviously these names have some questionable behaviours but in this case they often have separate privacy policies for their DNS services (or the Mozilla endpoint for their DNS services) which makes it much better than the other Google products which are lumped behind a single privacy policy which isn’t very privacy friendly.

      Unfortunately it is impossible to know for sure they are complying with the privacy policy, but this applies to all providers, no matter how large or what businesses they have other than providing DNS. So while you shouldn’t blindly follow some random post on the internet you should may give these providers a second look-over and consider that these large companies have some privacy benefits if their privacy policy is accurate.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
        3 years ago

        I am not sure you will understand, so I will just excuse myself. You clearly know everything.

        Edit: seems you are a true redditor, downvoting as revenge for disagreement

          3 years ago

          He was making a good point. Huge multinationals often have departments with wildly different behaviors/policies. These departments are often in conflict with one another, or don’t know so much about one another. I agree with you trusting anything remotely associated to Google is utterly stupid when it comes to privacy, but the argument exposed was not stupid.

          It was in fact solid insider’s advice, to know to exploit differences between branches of a given tentacular company in some circumstances. For example, Debian’s cooperation with Lenovo for better hardware support is in fact a collaboration with a specific department within Lenovo, and has a lot of blocking points from other departments.

          EDIT: Also another good point was that selfhosting services (eg. services just for “me”) often leaks more metadata than using shared services which other folks connect to as well.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
            3 years ago

            You have no idea what you are dealing with, with these CIA/DARPA shell entities. These are not multinationals randomly built out of a drive for capitalism, but meant to bring upon us a dystopia worse than any nightmares you have seen or heard.

            He thinks the laws made up for these shell entities via lobbying and governmental hgemonic interests are actual laws and protocols that are made to protect our interests. They are not. He is too realistic and obedient to believe all this crap.

            I may sound delusional, perhaps conspiratorial, but everything continues to unfold before us and so many people like him keep denying it. I have no idea why I am doing what I am doing, and yet I can tell there is more than just a world domination goal. They want to render us hopeless.

              03 years ago

              I can tell there is more than just a world domination goal

              You do sound slightly conspirational and delusional. Of course people are gonna fuck up other people, because that’s precisely what capitalism is about, and we’re conditioned from a very young age to feed into this narrative.

              However, a lot of people try to avoid such dynamic, even in big evil corporations. Spitting on the face of these precise people is not gonna help anyone :)

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
                3 years ago

                Condemnation is the essential sign of resistance against status quo. I am not a capitalist.

                If I read between the lines and see conspiracies, then others are too obedient realists.