May you live in interesting times. What I wouldn’t give for a calmly moving trolley.
Chop wood and carry water.
3: ???
4: smoke brisket
Nothing happening is exactly what I want. I want life to be so boring that I can wake up in the morning and KNOW that no one is scheming yet more ways to ruin my country or stomp on my rights.
Read Camus, go absurdist, enjoy life. It’s so easy.
I agree with the premise, but it is not easy to reprogram a lifetime of conditioning.
Sounds like you haven’t read enough Camus
Maybe not 🤪
What I wouldn’t give for a ride like that nowadays
I like my trolley rides without screaming.
True peace is the opportunity to find joy. If you haven’t the means to read a book, or take the time to enjoy a coffee, or take a walk, etc. then everything is not fine.
spoken like a true leftist.
I find it hard to understand how this is leftism.
Is the right supposed to go hunting killing animals while driving their monster truck through a nature reserve? The right couldn’t do things like these?
Like what the fuck is this tribalism.
Spoken from a place of true privilege.
This meme would have worked a lot better a few years ago. Hell, even a few months ago.
Life is no longer uneventful, the trolly’s brakes have been cut and it is on fire, there are clearly people tied to the tracks and the trolley is already rolling over them.
It was supposed to be space travel… It was supposed to be space travel…
Plenty of people are screaming.
That’s btw one of the many reasons why people want to go to Mars. Adventure and excitement guaranteed.
Screaming is just as exhausting and meaningless as not screaming.
Welcome to the good place
Oh, I’m screaming, dw