Hi everyone, i want to move from Windows to Fedora. I’m a noobie of linux, i want a OS that don’t spy me but with softwares for daily base use and for delevop apllication. Someone can advise me if is the right choice or give another option? Sorry for my english :')

  • @0therbit5@lemmy.mlOP
    72 years ago

    Thank you guys i read all your comments, im gonna install the os on my laptop that i use for develop no gaming :). So i think im trying few of them before decide which fit better for me. Thanks again

    • Vostronix
      22 years ago

      I use Fedora also for gaming and its nice because you always fresh kernel updates

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      12 years ago

      If you like it (and you can invest a tiny bit of time) I suggest you to play around with a few of them. Even some “rare” distros if you feel like that.

      Have fun. c: